Yogi, as chief minister Aditya Nath is known by his followers, likes satvik food and lives a strictly disciplined life. His followers are well aware of his taste.
Uttar Pradesh chief minister Aditya Nath is fond of boiled grams, papayas, apple, daliya and chhach (whey). His breakfast platter includes whey and papaya along with a small bowl of gram or daliya.
The chief minister’s followers are well aware of his taste. Ambarish Singh Bhola, a close confidant of Yogi who heads Hindu Yuwa Vahini in Varanasi region, said, “Chhach and papaya are an inevitable part of Maharaj ji’s breakfast. He also likes boiled grams or a small bowl of daliya.”
Chhach is prepared for Aditya Nath at his math in Gorakhpur. For lunch, he usually eats one or two chapattis with boiled vegetable and prefers eating with his supporters. His dinner includes two chapattis, daal or green vegetables. Sometimes, he skips dinner and takes an apple.
Bhola’s mother Neelam Singh, also one of his followers, served papaya, boiled gram, a small bowl of daliya and a glass of chhach, which she specially arranged, to Yogi when he visited her house about a year back. “As we knew his taste, I prepared daliya and boiled gram. He ate papayas, daliya and boiled gram, two full spoons each and drank chhach. Maharaj ji liked the taste and offered his blessings to all of us,” Singh said.
Bhola, who accompanied Yogi in a chopper during his poll rallies, said he drank lots of water and ate one or two bananas at , if travelling. He likes satvik food and lives a strictly disciplined life. Yogi gets up early and begins his day with meditation and yoga.