Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for March 27-April 2, 2022
Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for March 27-April 2, 2022. What do the cards have in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs for this week?
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Love: Six of Swords
Mood: Five of Coins
Career: The Moon
You are likely to remain mentally active all week and may be able to solve all problems with your intellect and intuition. Those in the public sector are likely to get the support of their seniors which may help some accomplish their tasks smoothly. Relationship with your spouse is set to improve as you succeed in putting past differences behind you and also rediscover your passion and affection. Your long-pending loan application is likely to get approval and may come through shortly. Fitness enthusiasts may benefit by giving a break to lifting weights and incorporating some cardio in their routine. Domestic environment is likely to remain joyful as matrimonial alliance may materialize for an eligible family member. An overseas trip may refresh you, so grab the chance.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Purple
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Love: Page of Wands
Mood: Two of Coins
Career: The Tower
You can go ahead and take calculated risks and even introduce some new concepts. This is likely to make you stand out from the crowd and earn you a positive reputation. Your personal example, of putting family interest first, may encourage younger members to emulate you; thus contributing to domestic tranquility. This is a good time to enhance your professional skills by enrolling into a crash course or technical workshop. If you are involved in a close relationship, it may reach new heights with mutual attraction. If you feel stressed, try improving your attitude towards wellness by including meditation and breathing exercise in your routine. You may need to arrange funds at a short notice which can create stress and anxiety. But don’t worry your sound financial planning would help your tide over any eventuality.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Magenta
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
Love: The Hanged Man
Mood: Five of Coins
Career: Temperance
Be innovative and think out-of-the-box when confronted with an unexpected and challenging situation. Don’t worry too much; trust in your abilities and ingenuity. A new career opportunity may knock on your door soon; grab it with both hands to embark on a golden period. Enjoy your intimate love life, as chances of it turning into a lifelong bond soon are high. Your diligence is likely to pay off in business which may translate into handsome profits. You are advised to seek medical help as and when required and avoid self-medication at all costs. You may be actively involved in household work and you may need to prioritize your time accordingly to avoid any disputes. Carelessness while signing property documents may become a problem later on, so remain alert.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Green
CANCER (Jun22-Jul 22)
Love: Judgement
Mood: The Hierophant
Career: The Hermit
You are likely to remain focused and the ability to take quick decisions may help in building assets and achievements. If you are single, there could be a positive development on the marriage front. This is likely to keep you in high spirits. By traveling to a new destination, you may not only learn about new places but also a great deal about yourself. So go ahead and pack your bags. You may have some discord with a close family member, it is important to remain patient and kind while dealing with the situation. Taking up a new sport may not only enhance your fitness efforts but may also likely to widen your social circle. There could be a shift of residence or you could purchase a new property or vehicle.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Peach
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
Love: Page of Cups
Mood: The Fool
Career: Devil
It might help to relinquish some of your customary or traditional methods to make some room for alternative solutions. You may find the new options much more viable and efficient. Career-wise you are likely to remain stable and you may be given additional responsibilities which may enlarge your area of influence. Investment in stocks and shares are likely to bear fruit and may even bring a windfall for some. Expecting couples may be blessed with a new family member very soon; bringing joy all around. You may also succeed in burying an old hatched with a close relative bringing peace at home. Those of you looking to kick a health vice may succeed in finding the will to stick to your resolution.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Saffron
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)
Love: Eight of Wands
Mood: Two of Swords
Career: The Magician
Look for a balance between your domestic life and work responsibilities. Don’t take more on your plate than you can manage. On the career front, you are likely to achieve professional success with the help of subordinates and seniors. Businessmen may have a good run, as there are indications of partnership or investment which may catapult your business to newer heights. You should plan to undertake a short trip with your loved ones which may help recharge your mind. Junk food is something to avoid strictly for those fighting the battle of the bulge. Giving into the temptation may ruin all the hard work and efforts. Family environment is likely to remain cordial after a period of turmoil and turbulence. By reviving family bonds, you may enjoy a sense of security and emotional reciprocity.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Beige
LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23)
Love: Ten of Coins
Mood: The Moon
Career: World
Self-introspection at the beginning of the week will go a long way in smooth execution of your scheduled tasks. Your creativity is likely to at its peak and you may come up with innovative ways to solve existing problems. New sources of income or an inheritance may be headed your way and may help stabilize your financial position. Your family is likely to be a source of strength for you which would keep you in a joyful state of mind. You need to control your temper and avoid harsh words. Be very subtle and calm while you talk to your significant other. The week appears very favourable for wealth and property deals, and you are likely to be successful with minimal efforts.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Love: The Hanged Man
Mood: Two of Coins
Career: The Fool
Soon you may discover that certain problems are not as huge as you first thought they were. Use this time to learn and truly enrich yourself. On the professional front, those looking for a career switch may find success in a well-paying job. Those looking to settle down may have to seek help of family members to find a suitable matrimonial match. Family members may support you in all your tough decisions. Be careful when travelling or entrusting others with valued goods as there are chances of being duped. There may be ups and downs in a project or assignment you may be involved in. Tread carefully and plan your actions well to tide over the problem. You may lose some money if you engage in gambling, so refrain from the same.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Love: The Chariot
Mood: Two of Swords
Career: Ten of Cups
There would be a renewed sense of optimism in your outlook towards life. It is time to clean your mind of past setbacks by responding positively to the present. You may go on a journey of self-introspection which may boost your self-confidence. On the professional front, your career graph may be on the upward swing. Your boss may be impressed with your performance. Your financial position is all set to improve and you can expect consistent inflow of funds from wise investments. Those wishing to tie the knot are likely to find a highly suitable and compatible match. You may plan some renovation work at home or may even begin the construction of your new house. You may end up enjoying a trip taken for a family youngster or child to an amusement park.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Red
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
Love: Judgement
Mood: Three of Swords
Career: The Lovers
You should not doubt your abilities this week even if you don’t always have the correct answer available immediately. Trust your knowledge and expertise to guide you. You are likely to make the right choice! For those who are single, this could open a new chapter in your love life. Spending time with someone special will make the week sensational. Opting for a massage or a sauna is likely to give you a lift and invigorate the way you feel about yourself. Making hasty decisions on the professional front may turn out to be counterproductive and have unforeseen consequences in the near future. You can get the upper hand in the land or house deal you may be negotiating and clinch it profitably.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Orange
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
Love: The Empress
Mood: The Strength
Career: The High Priestess
Plan well, execute better; this should be the mantra for you all week. Success will surely be yours for the taking. It is a time to listen to your heart. Your mental health is also likely to be good and you may enjoy peaceful, cheerful and positive thoughts all week. Some of you may be involved in completing extra work load, which may bring monetary gains. Your additional source of income may bring monetary gains. Trade business may boom. Don’t isolate yourself from friends and family despite your packed schedule, but try to be more sociable. Good deal in the offing for those wanting to let out their house or commercial property on rent. Payment dues that have been stuck for a long time are likely to be realized.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Saffron
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
Love: Devil
Mood: King of Coins
Career: The Star
The week may turn out to be a gainful one for you, bringing success in surprising places. You are likely to remain happy and focused towards your goals. Your subordinates may help you move ahead by pitching in to complete an important project on time If you are contemplating cosmetic enhancement, opt for natural ways; results will be promising. Your dreams of settling down with your romantic partner are likely to come true soon. Both families may be happy with your choice. You may also enjoy good rapport with children, especially those grown up and married. A huge sum loaned to someone may not be returned in your time of need, so lend money with care.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Beige
(By: Manisha Koushik - Astrologer, Tarot Card Reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Fengshui Consultant. Email: support@askmanisha.com Contact: +919650015920)

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