Apart from Chandumajra, former union minister Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa, his son former finance minister Parminder Singh Dhindsa, former SGPC president Bibi Jagir Kaur, former ministers including Sikandar Singh Maluka and Surjeet Singh Rakhra, and former MLA Gurpartap Singh Wadala are among the leaders who have raised a banner of revolt against Sukhbir.
Former Member of Parliament Prem Singh Chandumajra, who is among the senior Akali leaders revolting against Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal, had reportedly met former Akal Takht jathedar Bhai Ranjit Singh, asking him to lead their group, but the latter turned him down, stating that the people of the state had lost faith in the entire party leadership.
To placate Ranjit Singh, the entire rebel group is expected to meet him soon.
Apart from Chandumajra, former union minister Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa, his son former finance minister Parminder Singh Dhindsa, former SGPC president Bibi Jagir Kaur, former ministers including Sikandar Singh Maluka and Surjeet Singh Rakhra, and former MLA Gurpartap Singh Wadala are among the leaders who have raised a banner of revolt against Sukhbir.
Ranjit Singh had remained Akal Takht jathedar from December 1996 to January 1999 and was removed from the top clergy post, along with SGPC head Gurcharan Singh Tohra, when Parkash Singh Badal was the SAD president. Following Tohra’s removal, Bibi Jagir Kaur was appointed the SGPC head and Giani Puran Singh replaced Bhai Ranjit Singh.
Bhai Ranjit Singh has formed an outfit ‘Panthik Akali Lehar’ and is planning to contest SGPC elections and field candidates on all the gurdwara election constituencies. “My focus is dharam parchar so I am trying to focus on SGPC elections, which are pending for the last 16 years,” he added.
When contacted, Chandumajra termed the meeting on Monday as an informal meet and added that all leaders in the group who have planned ‘Akali bachao lehar’ will meet Ranjit Singh.
“Before that, we would hold a meeting among ourselves as to who all are to be approached to be part of the lehar,” he further said. He also disclosed that the step they have taken is receiving an overwhelming response and Akali supporters are coming out voluntarily.
The rebel leaders on Monday appeared before Akal Takht jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh seeking apology for the mistakes they committed during ten years of SAD-BJP governments for two terms (2007-12 and 2012-17) of which they were also a part. So far, the jathedar has not reacted to their application for pardon.
Bhai Ranjit Singh had, in the past, supported different Akali leaders during the election from time-to-time and had even campaigned for them.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh/ Ex-jathedar Ranjit Singh turns down SAD rebels’ proposal to lead faction