Cabinet extends amnesty scheme for conversion of government land by 1 year
MUMBAI: The state cabinet extended the amnesty scheme for converting leased government land to freehold ownership for another year, aiding revenue generation.
MUMBAI: The state cabinet on Tuesday extended by one year the amnesty scheme for conversion of government land given on lease to freehold (ownership) property at concessional premium rate of ready reckoner.

The government had leased out land for agriculture, non-agriculture, residential, commercial and industrial purposes, also known as class 2 property, decades back. The amnesty scheme for the conversion of government land to freehold property at concessional premium rate of ready reckoner was first launched on March 8, 2019, ahead of Lok Sabha and assembly elections. Since then, the government has been extending the scheme.
Last year when the scheme was extended, 1.14 lakh government lands across the state were pending for conversion to free hold. On Tuesday, the revenue department informed the cabinet meeting that in last one year 12,436 land holders used the scheme to convert their lands into ownership lands. However, it also informed that as of now, 1,03,397 lease lands across the state are still pending for conversion, and of that, 4298 are from Mumbai and the rest from Kokan region. “The extension will help these lease owners and, also, state exchequer as it will generate revenue for state government,” states the revenue department note presented for the approval of extension to the amnesty scheme. Accordingly, the state cabinet gave its nod to the extension.
Currently, the state allots plots on leasehold and occupancy class II, which is conditional ownership. Due to land holding for decades, the rates of the lands have increased manifold. So, if the government gives these lands on ownership basis, it will get significant amount as premium as per the local rates of ready reckoner and the size of the land.
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