Delhi worst in crimes against children
For the fifth year in a row, Delhi proved to be the worst place to grow up in among 34 other cities located across the country.
For the fifth year in a row, Delhi proved to be the worst place to grow up in among 34 other cities located across the country.

According to data compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the city, for the fifth consecutive year since 2006, reported the largest number of cases of crime against children to the police for investigation.
Even as crime against children in the city went up by as much as six percent in comparison to the year 2009, children rescued from the brink of prostitution registered an increase of 100% and kidnapping cases recorded a boost of more than 30%.
"Close to half, or 48.3%, of the incidents under various heads relating to crime against children recorded across the county, were reported from Delhi. As per the (NCRB) report, the number of such incidents went up from 2405 cases in 2009 to 3029 cases in 2010," said a senior police officer.
Ranjana Kumari, director of the Centre for Social Research (CSR), an NGO pointed out that kidnapping cases had actually gone up from just 1900 cases in 2009 to 2470 cases in 2010 even as four cases of trafficking of children for prostitution were detected in 2010 as compared to just two in 2009.
"Even if more cases are being detected and registered, thanks to the intervention of courts, how is that an improvement?” she asked.
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Stay updated with all top Cities including, Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai and more across India. Stay informed on the latest happenings in World News along with Delhi Election 2025 and Delhi Election Result 2025 Live, New Delhi Election Result Live, Kalkaji Election Result Live at Hindustan Times.