Get to know why Bella Hadid has faith in crystals
From celebrities such as supermodel Bella Hadid to busy urbanites looking at alternative ways of healing, crystal therapy is increasingly finding more takers.
Recently, Bella Hadid posted a picture of crystals on Instagram with the caption, “As I fly to Dubai later tonight, a few of my favorite crystals will be here charging with the bright & full “pink moon” Love love love (sic).”

Not just the supermodel but many others — especially urbanites — these days are turning to crystals to calm them and to cope with emotional issues. Clearly, crystals have gone beyond being used for jewellery or in curios, and are slowly establishing their place in the alternative healing world.
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How do crystals work?
The Oxford dictionary defines crystal as, “A piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.” It further elaborates the meaning with “a piece of crystalline substance believed to have healing powers”.
Dr Evelet Sequeira, sound therapist and life coach, says, “Crystals have the perfect lattices. They have a high frequency. Using the property of resonance, every object attunes to the highest frequency in the room. So, when one wears or places a crystal in their room their bodies attune to the crystal’s frequency.”
Crystals come in a variety of textures, colours, and properties. The appearance and quality of a crystal is impacted by the way it’s formed in a particular region. For example, the best lapis lazuli comes from Afghanistan and the best turquoise comes from Iran.
“If we go by the chakra system, then we know that the chakras have seven colours of the rainbow. The throat chakra is blue and if we want to strengthen it, we will use a blue crystal like lapis lazuli, angelite (blue anhydrite), or turquoise. For the red root chakra, garnet can be used. Crystals carry different frequencies and the energy of the earth, hence, they can heal or benefit us at an energetic level and we can feel or see the benefits in our actual lives. They bring us peace, calm, healing, love, prosperity and good luck, among other things,” says Janhvi Patel, holistic healer.
The placebo claim
Many tend to criticise the crystal therapy saying that it is a mere placebo effect — a psychological benefit than a physiological one. In an interview with HT, psychiatrist Dr Kersi Chavda said, “Most of the positive responses are based on desire, and not rationale, which is why we are sceptical, and file the positive effects under placebo effect. It all comes down to the power of the human mind.”
But to those who practice it, whether it is placebo or not, the results are what matter. “I have personally been using rose quartz for love and amethyst for healing of the body from illness,” says Dr Sequeira, who also holds an MD in preventive and social medicine.
Alternative therapist Manishaa Motarwar says, “I believe that crystals work wonderfully with the faith you put in them. I have personally experienced that if done in a right way, they can enhance your life and well-being.”
Types of crystals and what they are predominantly used for:

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