Jazz up your pad for a sparkling New Year
Updated On Dec 28, 2014 05:09 PM IST
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Updated on Dec 28, 2014 05:09 PM IST
Glam up your slumber zone with our cool do-it-yourself decor ideas to bring in a sparkling New Year. (Text: Aditi Caroli) Happy New Year: Get the alphabets printed or write it yourself using marker on square sheets of paper. Assemble and clip or paste on a string. Hang this on the wall above the cakes and delectable bites. You can also hang strings of stars on either side, too.
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Updated on Dec 28, 2014 05:09 PM IST
Twinkle twinkle little star: To make the stars, cut sequined or printed fabric in the shape of a star. Glue up two star-shaped pieces together in a way that the top of a bamboo skewer rests between it. Serve your drinks with a star stir stick in the glass.
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Updated on Dec 28, 2014 05:09 PM IST
A sparkling cake: These sparkling cupcakes will be the talk of your party. Bake your favourite cup cakes and decorate them with the icing of your choice. Top them up with tiny sparklers and light them while serving.
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Updated on Dec 28, 2014 05:09 PM IST
Fun with resolutions: To make this resolution tree, take some dry branches and spray paint or leave them natural. Arrange it in a vase and decorate it with a string of beads or fairy lights. Make your guests write down their New Year resolution and place it on the tree.
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Updated on Dec 28, 2014 05:09 PM IST