5 facts on Hvaldimir: Russian ‘spy’ whale found dead In Norway
Hvaldimir, the beluga whale thought to be a Russian spy, was found dead near Norway's coast.
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This whale captured global attention and sparked numerous debates.
Photo Credits: Reuters
In 2019, he was found with a harness labelled "St. Petersburg". This led to speculations over him being a Russian spy.
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Hvaldimir had health problems and injuries that worried marine conservationists and local authorities.
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According to a New York Times report, the whale was close to 14 feet long and about 2,700 pounds.
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Hvaldimir was spotted near Ingoya, an island in northern Norway, about 300km (190 miles) from the maritime border with Russia.
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The whale’s friendly behaviour towards humans and its ability to respond to hand signals made Norway's intelligence agency believe it was kept in captivity in Russia.
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The agency suspected that the whale had been part of a Russian research programme before it ended up in Norwegian waters.
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The exact cause of death remains unknown at this time.
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Despite the allegations, Russia has never claimed ownership of the whale.