By Mehak Pal
Published Apr 28, 2023

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Pexels

Health Benefits Of Watermelon Rinds

Watermelon rinds are packed with nutrients like vitamins C, A, and B6. They can be consumed in different forms like smoothies, shakes, or jamsĀ 

Here are some amazing health benefits of watermelon rinds

Reduce blood pressure

Watermelon rind is effective in reducing blood pressure levels. It is rich in potassium and L-citrulline, an amino acid that helps regulate the blood pressure


They have anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent inflammation of organs. They are also packed with zinc and magnesium that help maintain the proper functioning of the body

Boost collagen

Watermelon rinds have anti-ageing properties as they boost collagen production and deeply hydrate the skin slowing down the ageing process

Aid digestion

They are rich in fibre and low in calories. They help improve digestion, maintain regular bowel movements and aid in weight loss

Boost immunity

Watermelon rinds are good sources of vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids, zinc, etc that help improve your immune system and fight diseases

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