By HT Lifestyle Desk
Published Oct 06, 2024

Hindustan Times

Avoid these 5 breakfast mistakes for a healthy start to your day

When it comes to chai, the milk with lactose and casein in it is the problem. Many people can’t properly digest lactose, and this undigested lactose reaches the colon; it gets fermented by bacteria, causing gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. 

 When our stomachs are empty, starchy food such as bread can cause a significant glucose spike and majorly affect our body’s process of digesting not only the bread itself but our meal afterwards. 

Store-bought electrolytes often have artificial sweeteners and not the very best ones. Please avoid artificial sweeteners like sucrose, acesulfame potassium, and dextrose when choosing an electrolyte drink. 

 The concentrated sugar in juice can cause a blood sugar spike followed by a crash, leaving you tired and hungry sooner.

In order to prevent blood sugar spikes, feel full for longer and promote weight loss, it's important to start your day with a generous dose of protein, complex carbs, fibre, healthy fats and important vitamins and minerals.