By Ada Kohli
Published May 11, 2023

Hindustan Times

Tips To Support Kids During A Divorce 

Stay involved in your kid’s life

Make sure you both stay involved in your kid’s life and reassure them that they are loved. Plan regular activities with your kid just like you would do before your divorce

Be honest

Do not sugarcoat the situation. Instead, communicate honestly with your child. Explain the new arrangement to your kid together and let them express their feelings

Make a routine for your kid

In order to establish consistency and stability in your child’s life, set a routine. Fix days your child will go over to your partner's house and make arrangements accordingly

Help your child express their feelings

Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and express their anger, sadness, resentment, etc and make them feel understood

Avoid negative talk about your ex

Avoid negative talk about your ex in front of your child as children love both their parents. Also, make a conscious effort not to fight in front of your child