By Neha Yadav
Published Nov 13, 2023

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Unsplash

World Kindness Day: 5 tips to be kind to yourself

Every year, November 13 is observed as World Kindness Day to celebrate the act of kindness and promote kind behaviour. 

While it is very important to be kind to others, one must always make sure to be kind to themselves as it can boost resilience and self-esteem. Here are 5 tips to be kind to yourself. 

Practice gratitude

It is essential to be grateful for what you are and what you have as it boosts positivity. Practising gratitude regularly can make you more self-aware and help in being kind to yourself.

Do things that you like

Take some time out of your busy schedule and do things that you like the most. Be it listening to music, dancing, painting or reading, doing things that you love the most is one of the best ways to be kind to yourself. 

Practice self-care

While caring for your loved ones and practising empathy are very important, it is equally important to practice self-care. Follow a healthy routine every day by eating healthy food, exercising and pampering yourself.

Acknowledge your efforts

Always acknowledge the amount of efforts you put into something. It will help increase your self-esteem and make you value yourself. It will also help you recognise your strengths and achieve goals efficiently.

Forgive yourself

The best way to be kind to yourself is to stop blaming yourself for the bygones. Forgive yourself and practice resilience to move ahead in life. Promise yourself that you will do better and avoid being angry at yourself.