By HT Trending Desk
Published Oct 05, 2024

Hindustan Times

Photo Credit: Pexels

10 animals with strongest bite

Nile Crocodile (5,000 psi): Holds the record for the strongest bite, crushing prey effortlessly.

Saltwater Crocodile (3,700 psi): Uses a death roll while gripping prey to ensure a secure hold.

American Alligator (2,125 psi): Capable of ambushing a wide range of prey with surprising speed.

Hippopotamus (1,800 psi): Known for its enormous teeth, hippos defend territory fiercely against rivals.

Jaguar (1,500 psi): Renowned for its ability to pierce tough shells and bones with one powerful bite.

Bull Shark (1,350 psi): Versatile predator with a bite force strong enough to tackle various prey.

Gorilla (1,300 psi): Primarily herbivorous, gorillas use their strength to chew tough plant parts.

Polar Bear (1,200 psi): These apex predators rely on their bite to catch seals and scavenge carrion.

Grizzly Bear (1,160 psi): With powerful jaws, grizzlies can crush bones and tear into flesh with ease.

Hyena (1,100 psi): Specialised teeth allow hyenas to consume bones and marrow, wasting nothing.

Comparison with Humans: The average human bite force is just 162 psi, making the Nile crocodile's bite over 30 times stronger.

Record Holder: Richard Hoffman holds the human record with a bite force exceeding six times the average.

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