By Sakshi Sah
Published Jan 22, 2025

Hindustan Times

Photo Credit: Pexels

5 most colourful fish for your aquarium

Bring a splash of colour to your home with these stunning aquatic beauties.

Aquariums are a fantastic way to enhance your living space with vibrant colours. 

Known for their striking fins and variety of colours, Betta fish are easy to care for.

Guppy fish come in a different  colours and patterns, making them a perfect addition to any aquarium.

With their glowing blue and red stripes, Neon Tetras are a popular choice for aquariums, adding a serene glow to the water.

Known for their round shape and vivid colours, Discus fish are a favourite for creating an elegant and peaceful aquarium setting.

Angelfish are one of the most beautiful freshwater fish to add to your aquarium.

These colourful fish will add beauty and vibrancy to your aquarium.

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