Here are some fruits that help keep you hydrated and healthy.
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Watermelon is packed with high water content that helps keep you hydrated. It is rich in vitamin C that boosts immunity and maintains bone density.
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This fruit is rich in water content that helps keep one hydrated during summer. It also helps improve digestion and prevents constipation.
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Strawberries are packed with high fibre content and nutrients like vitamins, manganese, flavonoids and potassium. They help keep you hydrated and improve your digestive health.
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Add pineapples to your diet to stay hydrated in summer. The anti-inflammatory properties of pineapples prevent cell-damage and inflammation in your body.
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Mangoes are excellent hydrating summer fruits loaded with antioxidants and vitamins A and C that improve overall health.
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Papaya is a hydrating fruit that is packed with vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants. It helps improve your immune system and aids in weight loss.
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Jamuns are excellent summer fruits as they have high water content and are loaded with vitamin C. They help in improving heart health and also have antacid properties that improve digestion.
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Lychees are juicy and fibrous fruits that keep you hydrated during summer. They help improve your bone health and prevent indigestion.
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Oranges have high water content and vitamin C. They keep you hydrated, improve cholesterol levels, heart health and aid in digestion.
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Ripe jackfruit has good amount of water content. It is packed with vitamins A and B that help improve vision, reproductive health, brain health and immunity.