By Neha Yadav
Published Aug 10, 2024

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Pexels

Coconut water to green tea: 5 healthy morning drinks to lose weight

Your early morning diet can have a transforming impact on your body weight. Here are 5 drinks you can have early in the morning to promote weight loss.

Lemon water with honey

Squeeze half a lemon into one glass of lukewarm water mixed with honey. Drink it on an empty stomach to flush out toxins and promote digestion. Lemon contains pectin that can also help curb appetite and aid weight loss.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is rich in substances called shogaols and zingerone which aid in weight loss. Consuming it on an empty stomach also helps strengthen the digestive system.

Ghee and warm water

Add 1 tbsp of ghee into one glass of warm water and drink it on an empty stomach early in the morning. Ghee has healthy fats that boost metabolism and increase satiety.

Apple cider vinegar drink

Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and have it early in the morning. Apple cider vinegar can help curb appetite and alkalize your body. It boosts metabolism and helps reduce body weight.

Coconut water

Coconut water is low in calories, high in potassium, and an excellent hydrating morning drink. It boosts metabolism and helps reduce weight.