
Pilates to Yoga, here are some fitness trends of 2021

Updated On Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

From simple running and alternate nostril breathing exercises to more complex Pilates workout or Yoga, here are some popular fitness trends of 2021 that made us look forward to grind sessions

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If there was any good that came out of Covid-19 pandemic, it was to leave us with a greater appreciation for fitness and making us prioritise health like never before. The months of lockdowns saw our living rooms turn into workout studios as going to the gym was out of question to avoid the spread of coronavirus. Hence, to boost the mind-body connection, we had nowhere to turn to within the four walls of our house except to exercise. Here are some fitness trends of 2021 that made us look forward to grind sessions.(Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

If there was any good that came out of Covid-19 pandemic, it was to leave us with a greater appreciation for fitness and making us prioritise health like never before. The months of lockdowns saw our living rooms turn into workout studios as going to the gym was out of question to avoid the spread of coronavirus. Hence, to boost the mind-body connection, we had nowhere to turn to within the four walls of our house except to exercise. Here are some fitness trends of 2021 that made us look forward to grind sessions.(Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash)

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Running (outdoors or on treadmill): Contrary to popular belief, running in the cold or in the rain won't actually give you a cold instead, it will help you in achieving herculean strength and building mental toughness. From cooling you off to enabling you to go farther, longer and maybe even faster, running in the rain burns more calories as our bodies aren't at risk of overheating and it makes you tough. Apart from strengthening muscles and improving cardiovascular fitness, running helps to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise and burns plenty of kilo joules which in turn helps to maintain a healthy weight. As per a study on Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, running each day for just 5 to 10 minutes at a moderate pace, say 6.0 miles per hour, not only has a significant impact on longevity but may also reduced the risk of death from heart attack or stroke and other cardiovascular disease, lower the risk of developing cancer, lower the risk of developing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. The study highlighted that runners in general have a 25%–40% reduced risk of premature mortality and live approximately 3 years longer than non-runners. Improved sleep and moods are other benefits of running. As per a group of Dutch researchers, running 2.5 hours per week or 30 minutes for five days a week can also result in enjoying maximum longevity benefits. Running in place can be an excellent alternative to burn calories when one cannot head out for actual running or doesn't own a treadmill. It helps in weight loss, elevates heart rate, improves blood sugar levels, boosts cardiovascular function, enhances lung capacity and improves circulation. According to a 2015 study on ‘Effects of running in place accompanied by abdominal drawing-in on the posture of healthy adults’, it was found that the exercise also helps to improve posture by engaging the abdominal muscles. It reduces knee pain and makes them stronger and healthier. (Photo by Alex McCarthy on Unsplash) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Running (outdoors or on treadmill): Contrary to popular belief, running in the cold or in the rain won't actually give you a cold instead, it will help you in achieving herculean strength and building mental toughness. From cooling you off to enabling you to go farther, longer and maybe even faster, running in the rain burns more calories as our bodies aren't at risk of overheating and it makes you tough. Apart from strengthening muscles and improving cardiovascular fitness, running helps to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise and burns plenty of kilo joules which in turn helps to maintain a healthy weight. As per a study on Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, running each day for just 5 to 10 minutes at a moderate pace, say 6.0 miles per hour, not only has a significant impact on longevity but may also reduced the risk of death from heart attack or stroke and other cardiovascular disease, lower the risk of developing cancer, lower the risk of developing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. The study highlighted that runners in general have a 25%–40% reduced risk of premature mortality and live approximately 3 years longer than non-runners. Improved sleep and moods are other benefits of running. As per a group of Dutch researchers, running 2.5 hours per week or 30 minutes for five days a week can also result in enjoying maximum longevity benefits. Running in place can be an excellent alternative to burn calories when one cannot head out for actual running or doesn't own a treadmill. It helps in weight loss, elevates heart rate, improves blood sugar levels, boosts cardiovascular function, enhances lung capacity and improves circulation. According to a 2015 study on ‘Effects of running in place accompanied by abdominal drawing-in on the posture of healthy adults’, it was found that the exercise also helps to improve posture by engaging the abdominal muscles. It reduces knee pain and makes them stronger and healthier. (Photo by Alex McCarthy on Unsplash)

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Anulom Vilom Pranayama: A hallmark symptom of Covid-19 is the shortness of breath which can persist and quickly escalate in people who have contracted coronavirus and that is when Anulom Vilom Pranayama or or Alternate Nostril Breathing came in handy. This breathing technique has a number of benefits like improving immune system, boosting your memory, improving respiratory and cardiovascular health and regulating blood pressure. This Yoga asana also improves sleep and helps to de-stress. As the ancient practice of controlling breath, Pranayama connects body and mind, supplies body with oxygen while removing toxins and is meant to provide healing physiological benefits. The stress-relieving effects of pranayama improves one’s sleep quality, increases mindfulness and reduces high blood pressure.(Instagram/malaikaaroraofficial) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Anulom Vilom Pranayama: A hallmark symptom of Covid-19 is the shortness of breath which can persist and quickly escalate in people who have contracted coronavirus and that is when Anulom Vilom Pranayama or or Alternate Nostril Breathing came in handy. This breathing technique has a number of benefits like improving immune system, boosting your memory, improving respiratory and cardiovascular health and regulating blood pressure. This Yoga asana also improves sleep and helps to de-stress. As the ancient practice of controlling breath, Pranayama connects body and mind, supplies body with oxygen while removing toxins and is meant to provide healing physiological benefits. The stress-relieving effects of pranayama improves one’s sleep quality, increases mindfulness and reduces high blood pressure.(Instagram/malaikaaroraofficial)

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Yoga: Meditation, good sleeping routine and stretching helps one to focus and relax but when anxiety started to creep in, triggered by the fear of the unknown, job insecurities amid varied lockdowns and gloomy death news everywhere during the Covid-19 pandemic, many people turn to Yoga. It might seem contradictory but by exercising and putting physical stress on one’s body, mental tensions and stress can be relieved. Yoga is a form of exercise that combines stretching, breathing, relaxation and meditation and has various asana or body postures that include sitting meditation pose, reclining, standing, inverted, twisting and balancing poses to overcome all kinds of sufferings and lead to 'the state of liberation' (Moksha) or 'freedom' (Kaivalya) and self-realisation. Studies have often suggested that Yoga can enhance mood and according to some researches, it may even be as effective as antidepressant drugs at treating depression and anxiety. Yoga practice helps lower stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins, improving sleep pattern and self-image. Hence, people who do Yoga regularly are less likely to experience anxiety as compared to those who don’t since benefits of the asana are strongest when one performs them regularly.(Photo by Amauri Mejía on Unsplash) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Yoga: Meditation, good sleeping routine and stretching helps one to focus and relax but when anxiety started to creep in, triggered by the fear of the unknown, job insecurities amid varied lockdowns and gloomy death news everywhere during the Covid-19 pandemic, many people turn to Yoga. It might seem contradictory but by exercising and putting physical stress on one’s body, mental tensions and stress can be relieved. Yoga is a form of exercise that combines stretching, breathing, relaxation and meditation and has various asana or body postures that include sitting meditation pose, reclining, standing, inverted, twisting and balancing poses to overcome all kinds of sufferings and lead to 'the state of liberation' (Moksha) or 'freedom' (Kaivalya) and self-realisation. Studies have often suggested that Yoga can enhance mood and according to some researches, it may even be as effective as antidepressant drugs at treating depression and anxiety. Yoga practice helps lower stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins, improving sleep pattern and self-image. Hence, people who do Yoga regularly are less likely to experience anxiety as compared to those who don’t since benefits of the asana are strongest when one performs them regularly.(Photo by Amauri Mejía on Unsplash)

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Iyengar Yoga: For the uninitiated, Iyengar Yoga is a Yoga form which stresses on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of Yoga postures. It was developed and named after B K S Iyengar in 1970s.(Photo by todd kent on Unsplash) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Iyengar Yoga: For the uninitiated, Iyengar Yoga is a Yoga form which stresses on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of Yoga postures. It was developed and named after B K S Iyengar in 1970s.(Photo by todd kent on Unsplash)

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Pilates: Named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, the exercise aims to strengthen the body and while beginners can try it at home. Pilates focuses on proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance. Beginners can do most of the Pilates moves at home including the hundred, the roll-up, the shoulder bridge or the criss-cross as they are absolutely fun to do even without the use of a reformer. Reformers are workout machines which enhance core stability along with good postural alignment in those who use it for workouts. A pilate studio might appear like a war-zone to you but it works wonders for those in pursuit of a well-toned and strong body. After the whirlwind year that 2020 and most of 2021 have been, if you are looking to finely tune your brain and nervous system then Pilates should be your go-to physical therapy. (Pixabay) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Pilates: Named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, the exercise aims to strengthen the body and while beginners can try it at home. Pilates focuses on proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance. Beginners can do most of the Pilates moves at home including the hundred, the roll-up, the shoulder bridge or the criss-cross as they are absolutely fun to do even without the use of a reformer. Reformers are workout machines which enhance core stability along with good postural alignment in those who use it for workouts. A pilate studio might appear like a war-zone to you but it works wonders for those in pursuit of a well-toned and strong body. After the whirlwind year that 2020 and most of 2021 have been, if you are looking to finely tune your brain and nervous system then Pilates should be your go-to physical therapy. (Pixabay)

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Aerial yoga - Aerial yoga inversions require a stable core to aid in changing positions while suspended mid air and controlling the balance helps burn calories. Apart from strengthening the core, it also strengthens and lengthens the spine, increases flexibility of the body, increases the neuroplasticity of the brain, helps lengthen the ligaments, offers relief from hip pain and eases tensions in the back. Flipping upside down offers more than just peace and relaxation. From temporarily improving blood circulation in the body to giving a person more energy and focus in the long term, aerial yoga inversions are full of benefits. The inverted pose is especially helpful for those who spend too much time at office desk and it gives the practitioner’s hips a deep stretch along with helping to re-align the spine.(Instagram/ananyapanday/anshukayoga) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Aerial yoga - Aerial yoga inversions require a stable core to aid in changing positions while suspended mid air and controlling the balance helps burn calories. Apart from strengthening the core, it also strengthens and lengthens the spine, increases flexibility of the body, increases the neuroplasticity of the brain, helps lengthen the ligaments, offers relief from hip pain and eases tensions in the back. Flipping upside down offers more than just peace and relaxation. From temporarily improving blood circulation in the body to giving a person more energy and focus in the long term, aerial yoga inversions are full of benefits. The inverted pose is especially helpful for those who spend too much time at office desk and it gives the practitioner’s hips a deep stretch along with helping to re-align the spine.(Instagram/ananyapanday/anshukayoga)

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Calisthenics: Exercises that don't rely on anything but a person's own body weight and are performed with differing levels of intensity and rhythm are called Calisthenics which build serious strength, improve your brain-body connection, help you lose weight and body fat, reduces injury risk, improves mobility and ease of movement and ensures better long-term health. Push-ups, pullups, squats, planks and jumping exercises are some of the best example calisthenics workouts for beginners. (Pixabay) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Calisthenics: Exercises that don't rely on anything but a person's own body weight and are performed with differing levels of intensity and rhythm are called Calisthenics which build serious strength, improve your brain-body connection, help you lose weight and body fat, reduces injury risk, improves mobility and ease of movement and ensures better long-term health. Push-ups, pullups, squats, planks and jumping exercises are some of the best example calisthenics workouts for beginners. (Pixabay)

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Kettlebell workout: Exercising with the kettlebell helps one to build their core muscles as well as the upper body and lower body strength. The target muscles during the exercise are the hamstrings and the quads. Apart from shaping a lean, toned and firm physique, kettlebells are great at working your glutes, increasing power endurance, bridging the gap between cardio and strength training and burning fat which aides in weightloss. The horn or handle of the kettlebell is often thicker than that of a dumbbell which helps in increasing grip strength. Swinging the kettlebell can also have benefits on grip strength and it targets the practitioner’s glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings in lower body, back, shoulders and triceps in upper body and the core, all in one single move. It improves the strength, function and coordination of the posterior chain, develop speed and power with the clean and jerk and helps one in attaining the posture of a military soldier with a straight back, shoulders retracted, tight core and immensely better back health. (Photo by Sergio Pedemonte on Unsplash) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Kettlebell workout: Exercising with the kettlebell helps one to build their core muscles as well as the upper body and lower body strength. The target muscles during the exercise are the hamstrings and the quads. Apart from shaping a lean, toned and firm physique, kettlebells are great at working your glutes, increasing power endurance, bridging the gap between cardio and strength training and burning fat which aides in weightloss. The horn or handle of the kettlebell is often thicker than that of a dumbbell which helps in increasing grip strength. Swinging the kettlebell can also have benefits on grip strength and it targets the practitioner’s glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings in lower body, back, shoulders and triceps in upper body and the core, all in one single move. It improves the strength, function and coordination of the posterior chain, develop speed and power with the clean and jerk and helps one in attaining the posture of a military soldier with a straight back, shoulders retracted, tight core and immensely better back health. (Photo by Sergio Pedemonte on Unsplash)

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Gymnastic rings: They are one of the most effective body weight training tools for fitness enthusiasts looking to develop a strong and muscular upper body. While they also allow one to do pull ups, dips, pushups and various other exercises, intense core and shoulder strength too can be achieved easily by setting the rings higher.(Photo by GMB Fitness on Unsplash) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Gymnastic rings: They are one of the most effective body weight training tools for fitness enthusiasts looking to develop a strong and muscular upper body. While they also allow one to do pull ups, dips, pushups and various other exercises, intense core and shoulder strength too can be achieved easily by setting the rings higher.(Photo by GMB Fitness on Unsplash)

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Core workout: Strengthening the core helps not only in smoothly performing everyday activities and sports but also helps improve balance and stability and ensures a good posture. Core protects one against injuries and core muscles play a fundamental role in stabilising the spine and pelvis which is why one should aim to do a core workout two to three times a week to train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen. A strong core influences the legs and upper body and core muscles play a fundamental role in stabilising and controlling the pelvis and spine. For improving one’s posture, mood, sleeping pattern and boosting energy, core exercises must be performed two to three times a week as they train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen. (Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Core workout: Strengthening the core helps not only in smoothly performing everyday activities and sports but also helps improve balance and stability and ensures a good posture. Core protects one against injuries and core muscles play a fundamental role in stabilising the spine and pelvis which is why one should aim to do a core workout two to three times a week to train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen. A strong core influences the legs and upper body and core muscles play a fundamental role in stabilising and controlling the pelvis and spine. For improving one’s posture, mood, sleeping pattern and boosting energy, core exercises must be performed two to three times a week as they train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen. (Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash)

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Kickboxing: This trend is a motivating fitness routine and apart from a heart-pumping cardio, it helps in total body workout to whip one into shape in no time. It reduces stress, releases endorphins which give a boost to the mood and help one feel more confident, burns over 800 calories per hour, tones up entire body and is a perfect cross-training workout. Its added benefits include giving the body and mind a boost, increasing energy levels by breathing hard and sweating out toxins. It also builds up the core muscles and for those who are hunched over a computer all day – it helps better the posture apart from making one reach their fitness goals. (Photo by Justin Ng on Unsplash) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

Kickboxing: This trend is a motivating fitness routine and apart from a heart-pumping cardio, it helps in total body workout to whip one into shape in no time. It reduces stress, releases endorphins which give a boost to the mood and help one feel more confident, burns over 800 calories per hour, tones up entire body and is a perfect cross-training workout. Its added benefits include giving the body and mind a boost, increasing energy levels by breathing hard and sweating out toxins. It also builds up the core muscles and for those who are hunched over a computer all day – it helps better the posture apart from making one reach their fitness goals. (Photo by Justin Ng on Unsplash)

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BOSU ball workout: Exercises on Bosu Ball challenges your quadriceps and hip flexors, keeps a neutral spine and strong core the entire time, improves stability by activating the muscles around your ankles, recruiting your core muscles and glutes on fire. It strengthens the core, hips and lower extremities and prevents injury risks while working on other things like cardio endurance, speeding up metabolism rate and burning more fat during and even after the workout. (Twitter/YogaRich) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Updated on Dec 19, 2021 07:03 PM IST

BOSU ball workout: Exercises on Bosu Ball challenges your quadriceps and hip flexors, keeps a neutral spine and strong core the entire time, improves stability by activating the muscles around your ankles, recruiting your core muscles and glutes on fire. It strengthens the core, hips and lower extremities and prevents injury risks while working on other things like cardio endurance, speeding up metabolism rate and burning more fat during and even after the workout. (Twitter/YogaRich)

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