The two-time National Award-winning lyricist, singer and actor, has not let his dream come in the way of the opportunities life has thrown his way
There are people who wait for the right opportunity, and then there are people who turn every opportunity into the right one. Swanand Kirkire is a man of the second kind. A National School of Drama (NSD) graduate who went to Mumbai with one dream, to direct a Bollywood film, is today a singer, songwriter, lyricist, and more recently, an actor. And all because he made the best of every opportunity that came his way.
Swanand Kirkire now wants to realise his dream of turning filmmaker(Aalok Soni)
“I always wanted to be a director. But when you are in NSD, you learn a bit about everything.”
Swanand credits his NSD learning and theatre days for his multi-hyphenated career in films (Aalok Soni)
“My challenge to myself was that one day Gulzar saab will listen to my lyrics and go wow! ”
“Theatre makes you an all-round mature person and gives you the opportunity to experiment”