The ruling party has now fielded Subrata Mukherjee from Bankura for the Lok Sabha election 2019. Sen will fight from Asansol, which is held by the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP’s) Babul Supriyo
Bankura is one of the 42 parliamentary constituencies in West Bengal’s Bankura district.
It was held by the Communist Party of India(Marxist) continuously since 1980 till 2014, when Trinamool Congress’ Moon Moon Sen defeated the sitting member of Parliament Left veteran Basudeb Acharia. Sen, who fought under the name of Sreemati Dev Varma, won by 98,506 votes.
The ruling party has now fielded Subrata Mukherjee from Bankura for the Lok Sabha election 2019. Sen will fight from Asansol, which is held by the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP’s) Babul Supriyo.
The constituency number 36 has seven assembly segments of which six are in Bankura and one in Purulia district. Out of these seven assembly segments, two are reserved for Scheduled Tribe candidates and two for Scheduled Caste.
Bankura, known for its terracotta temples and horses, will vote on May 12 - the sixth of the seven phased polls.