Tamil actor-director Raghava Lawrence, who had walked out of the Hindi remake of his film Kanchana called Laxmmi Bomb is back as its director. He thanked Akshay Kumar for sorting out issues.
Actor-filmmaker Raghava Lawrence, who had opted out of directing Akshay Kumar starrer horror-comedy Laxmmi Bomb after he felt disrespected, on Saturday withdrew his decision after all the issues were sorted.
Lawrence took to Twitter to announce that he’s back on board as director of Laxmmi Bomb, a remake of his own Tamil blockbuster Kanchana.“I am back on board as a director of ‘Laxmmi Bomb’. A big thank you to Akshay Kumar sir to understand my feelings and sorting all issues. Another thank you to my producer Shabinaa Khan for the same. Thanks to both for giving me respect,” Lawrence said.
He added that he’s really happy to be part of the project again. In May, Lawrence chose to exit after the makers unveiled the film’s first look without his knowledge. In a statement, he said he can’t be part of the project as he felt “disrespected” and “disappointed”. He had tweeted to say: “Dear Friends and Fans..!I In this world, more than money and fame, self-respect is the most important attribute to a person’s character. So I have decided to step out of the project, #Laxmmibomb Hindi remake of Kanchana.”
He even asked the makers to find a replacement for him and said that he will hand over the script to Akshay. In ‘Laxmmi Bomb’, Akshay plays a character that will be possessed by a ghost of a transgender. Kiara Advani has been signed as the leading lady.
(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)
News/Entertainment/Bollywood/ Laxmmi Bomb: Raghava Lawrence back on board as director, thanks Akshay Kumar for understanding his feelings, sorting out issues