
Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 27, what’s in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs

ByDr Prem Kumar Sharma and Manisha Koushik
Dec 27, 2019 06:06 PM IST

Horoscope Today: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out the astrological prediction for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs for December 27.

* Aries (March 21-April 20): Your keenness for going on a vacation is not likely to be shared by other family members; at least not for now. Expansion plans go smoothly for professionals. Your luck brightens today. Improvement in health is foreseen. Your bank balance is likely to keep you in an upbeat mood. Some adjustments may be required on the professional front today. Homemakers can feel frustrated if a change of scene doesn’t happen fast!

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 27, what’s in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs.
Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 27, what’s in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs.

Love Focus: Lover will be emotionally comforting you today.

Lucky Colour: Dark Blue

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 6, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Pisces

Be careful of: Cancer

* Taurus (April 21-May 20): Those staying separated from family may get an opportunity to come home. Conveyance will not be a problem for those visiting another town. There is a good opportunity waiting for you, so make the most of it. Someone on the social front is out to tarnish your image, so don’t get caught on the wrong foot.

You may need to improve your eating habits, if you want to lead a healthy life. Driving a good bargain will help to save much on the monetary front. An initiative taken by you on the professional front may not be approved by higher ups and may put you in difficulties.

Love Focus: Love life will prove most fulfilling.

Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

Lucky Alphabet: N

Friendly Numbers: 4, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & Leo

Be careful of: Scorpio

* Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): A business trip will prove to be more of a leisure trip. Extra endeavors on the professional front are likely to get the cash register ringing. Plans for a picnic or movie are in the offing for some. Improvement on health and monetary front is likely for some. Lay more emphasis on other sources of earning, as the current one shows signs of depletion. Increasing workload on the professional front threatens to take up a major portion of your time today. Family will appear supportive and give you the correct environment to do your job efficiently.

Love Focus: Keep romance at bay for more pressing issues.

Lucky Colour: Pink

Lucky Alphabet: O

Friendly Numbers: 7, 14

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Libra

Be careful of: Taurus

* Cancer (Jun 22-July 22): Travel stars appear bright over the horizon, so pack your bags for someplace exotic! You may find yourself juggling many tasks at one time on the professional front today. Getting a major item for the house is foreseen.

Good health will keep you as chirpy as ever! Someone may find you gullible enough to take your money on one pretext or another. Profits accrue for commission agents and those in retail business. Your impetuosity and impulsiveness can mar a perfect outing with family.

Love Focus: Intimate moments with the one you love will help strengthen your loving bonds.

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey

Lucky Alphabet: R

Friendly Numbers: 9, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Virgo

Be careful of: Sagittarius

* Leo (July 23-August 23): You manage to play your cards well on the social front to win people over.

You may need to improve your eating habits, if you want to lead a healthy life. Your efforts to secure an additional source of income will succeed. A steady income is likely for freelancers. Family members are likely to extend all the help to you. Commuting will not be a problem anymore as you gain confidence. You can be kept waiting for something that you urgently require at work, but this will not hinder your output

Love Focus: Chance of spending time together with partner may not materialize because of other commitments.

Lucky Colour: White

Lucky Alphabet: Y

Friendly Numbers: 8, 16

Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Virgo

Be careful of: Gemini

* Virgo (August 24-September 23): A journey may prove more expensive than anticipated. Good man management will help you in completing a project or assignment in time. Your attempts to impress someone on the social front may meet with partial success. An injury or ailment not attended to in time can give you prolonged agony. Don’t get swayed by others into opening your purse for them. The day turns out well for you, as you are able to achieve your aims both on personal and professional fronts. You will be able to devote much more time to family than before.

Love Focus: Romantic front may be losing spark, so do something about it.

Lucky Colour: Aqua Green

Lucky Alphabet: K

Friendly Numbers: 5, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Leo

Be careful of: Pisces

* Libra (September 24-October 23): Travelling with family and friends is indicated and will prove to be a lot of fun. You are likely to deliver more than expected on the professional front and make your mark. You can remain in a confused state of mind over an issue that affects you personally. Those who have chosen to shake a leg will find themselves nearing total fitness. You will find ways and means to reduce your expenditure and increase your savings. Meeting targets and going beyond may make you a strong contender for winning extra incentives at work. Someone in the family can involve you into something exciting.

Love Focus: Chance to flirt to your heart’s content arrives, so make the most of it!

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

Lucky Alphabet: D

Friendly Numbers: 7, 17

Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Virgo

Be careful of: Taurus

* Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Those raring for a break in routine will get a chance of travelling to someplace new. Your initiative on the social front is likely to be lauded by all.

Total recovery from a recurring medical problem is possible. You are likely to overspend and affect your savings adversely, if you are not careful. You will manage to man oeuvre yourself into a position of power to gain full authority over an ongoing project. Things turn favorable for someone you are worried about on the family front.

Love Focus: You will need to spend some more time with lover to make the relationship stronger.

Lucky Colour: White

Lucky Alphabet: M

Friendly Numbers: 3, 6, 9

Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Libra

Be careful of: Taurus

* Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): You may be in the mood to take it easy today and your wish is likely to be granted! Some of you may begin an exercise regimen in a big way just to come back in shape. It is best to steer clear of the vicious circle of borrowing and lending, as it may cause unnecessary friction. Some businesspersons may find their earnings double. Thorough planning is required for a business trip. Some hindrance may delay work, so do your best to cope up.

Love Focus: Romance can enter your life unannounced, so keep your fingers crossed!

Lucky Colour: Maroon

Lucky Alphabet: K

Friendly Numbers: 4, 11

Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & Aquarius

Be careful of: Gemini

* Capricorn (December 22-January 21): You will need to fine tune you’re travelling time with others to reach a venue together. Monotony threatens to set in on the professional front. A big social gathering is on the cards and can have you on the center stage.

Those feeling under the weather are likely to recover fully. Rising prices and unchecked expenses may put you in a bit of panic, but you will be able to stabilize your financial front. You are likely to derive much satisfaction from current developments on the professional front. Take a disagreement on the family front in your stride, instead of becoming intense.

Love Focus: A casual acquaintance with someone may turn into romance, so get set to enter a new phase of life!

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Lucky Alphabet: G

Friendly Numbers: 15, 23

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Aquarius

Be careful of: Leo

* Aquarius (January 22-February 19): You are likely to find time to give a helping hand to spouse. You will manage to keep up your grueling workout session to remain fit. Financial worries become a thing of the past, as money comes from unexpected sources. Smooth sailing on the work front is foreseen, as you go about your work efficiently. Delay and hitches are foreseen for those undertaking journey in a public transport. You may not feel upbeat about where your career is taking you and may crave for a change. Homemakers may derive immense satisfaction in setting up the house.

Love Focus: Love is in the air, so expect the romantic front to get exciting!

Lucky Colour: Green

Lucky Alphabet: J

Friendly Numbers: 9, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Scorpio

Be careful of: Cancer

* Pisces (February 20-March 20): Recognition of your good work on the professional front may take the form of an award or a monetary incentive. It is better to complete something entrusted to you on the domestic front today, than postponing it for some other day. Good dietary control and an active life will ensure that you retain good health. Financial stability will be maintained by concerted efforts. Steady income is assured for those working on a commission. Someone will come and lighten the domestic atmosphere, which you are finding a bit suffocating at present. Keep adequate buffer time for reaching your venue as chances of delay cannot be ruled out.

Love Focus: Romance may rear its ‘pretty’ head at a least likely place and take you by surprise!

Lucky Colour: Indigo

Lucky Alphabet: U

Friendly Numbers: 6, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Libra

Be careful of: Aries

The astrologer can be contacted at or

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