Parenting tips to foster a love for reading in your children
Parents must inculcate reading habit in kids as habits developed in childhood stay lifelong. Here are parenting tips to foster love for reading in children
Instilling a love for reading in your children is a wonderful gift that can benefit them throughout their lives but parents should remember that the goal is to make reading an enjoyable and meaningful experience for your children as by nurturing their love for books, you're opening the doors to a lifelong journey of learning, imagination and discovery. Take your children to libraries and bookstores regularly, encourage them to explore the shelves, browse books and choose their own reading material, participate in library programs or reading events that promote literacy, make reading a shared experience, take turns in reading with your child, especially as they grow older and become independent readers, discuss the books, ask questions and encourage their thoughts and interpretations.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Shiv Khera, Author, Mottivational Speaker, Business Consultant and Educator, shared, “With the speed of change, people feel that the attention span of the current generation has become small, which has resulted in reading habits going down. It’s a parental responsibility to inculcate the habit of reading from childhood. A habit developed during childhood stays lifelong. Our mind is a thought factory - obscenity in obscenity out, garbage in - garbage out, good in - good out. Often, ‘garbage in, garbage stays and garbage grow’ and it breeds within us. This multiplier effect is dangerous and destructive. Our mind is a thought factory. Whatever we input into the factory decides the output. The input being the books we read, shows we watch, and friends we keep; and the output being our attitude.”
He added, “According to research, on average, a self-made millionaire reads two to three books a month, which comes to approximately twenty-five to thirty books a year. In thirty years, that comes close to 1,000 books. They just don’t read any books. They read self-help books that help them grow in life. We all know how to read, but very few actually do read, and of those who read, very few know what to read. Warren Buffet reads 5-6 hours a day. Bill Gates reads 50 books a year. There is a connection between learning and earning. Learn more, earn more.”
Why don’t people read?
Shiv Khera answered, “Those who complain they don’t have time to read books are the same people who spent 2 – 3 hrs a day on social media or watching TV. Time is not the issue, it is our lack of priority. Such people stagnate and keep complaining that they are unlucky, not realizing they are themselves the cause of stagnation.”
How can parents inculcate reading habits?
Shiv Khera suggested:
- Make it fun; make a game out of it. Let them start by reading 2-3 pages a day, create quizzes out of the content, and let the child find answers to them.
- Reward the child with a small token of appreciation, to make them look forward to doing this again. Celebrate your child’s reading accomplishment.
- Make reading a daily habit. Consistency is the key.
- Make a reading-friendly environment; encourage them to create a little library of their own.
- Avoid distractions during reading time. Encourage them to highlight quotes and facts.
- Set an example by reading yourself. Children imitate their parents, so be a good role model.
Ajay Gupta, Founder of Bachpan Play Schools and Academic Heights Public Schools and Co-Founder of Rishihood University and Must and More Diagnostic Center, revealed, “I'm frequently questioned about the best ways to encourage a child's love of reading, and my response is always the same: start young, make it enjoyable and set a positive example. Children are sponges for information from the moment they are born. And introducing books to your child at a young age is one of the best ways to begin fostering a love of reading. Even before they can understand words, babies can benefit from being exposed to pictures, colors, and different textures. As they get older, incorporate reading into your daily routine and pick books that interest you. This will enable them to view reading as a pastime rather than a tedious task.”
He advised, “Making reading enjoyable is crucial for cultivating a love of reading. Select books with compelling protagonists, riveting plots, and colorful illustrations. Encourage your child to participate by asking questions, making predictions, and connecting the story to their own experiences as you read with passion and use different voices for the various characters. The best way to inspire your child to love reading is to set an example for them by modeling reading. Make it a habit of reading aloud as a family and let your child observe you enjoying reading. Make frequent trips to the library or bookstore part of your routine, discuss the books you are reading, and ask your child for book recommendations. Children need early exposure, enjoyable, and engaging books, as well as reading role models, in order to develop a love of reading. You can encourage your child to read for pleasure throughout their entire life by following these easy steps.”
Vijay Kumar Agarwal, Co- Founder and CEO at Makoons Play School, asserted, “You have the ability as a parent to support your child's early acquisition of crucial language and literacy skills. You can prepare your child for success in reading and writing by adhering to a few straightforward guidelines. Firstly, have early and frequent conversations with your child. Talking to them early can help them learn important language skills that will lay the groundwork for reading and writing even before they can speak. Use brief, simple sentences to explain your daily activities and the things your child is seeing and experiencing. Making reading a daily habit is another crucial tactic. Even if your child is very young, read to them for at least 30 minutes every day. They may learn new words as a result, and they may also learn the fundamental rules of reading. You can support your child in connecting the printed words to their meanings as you read.”
He recommended, “It's also critical to confirm that your child's daycare provider, nursery school teacher, or preschool teacher reads aloud to your child every day and provides books for your child to peruse. This can promote a love of books and storytelling while reinforcing the value of reading. By letting your child observe you reading books, maps, and other materials, you can serve as a positive reading role model. Keeping books that interest your child in an accessible location will also help them see reading as a fun and worthwhile activity. Another excellent way to encourage your child's love of reading is to take them to your local library. You can enroll your kid in preschool story time and assist them in selecting books to bring home. Encourage your child to have a lifelong love of learning and literacy by exposing them to a variety of books and reading experiences.”

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