Union minister for information and broadcasting Smriti Irani said a line of ethics and code of conduct had to be put in place to ensure that customers do not get affected by vested views in news, broadcasting and advertorial content
The Union government is considering new regulatory framework for online content, including on social media and websites, Union minister for information and broadcasting Smriti Irani said on Saturday.
The minister said a line of ethics and code of conduct had to be put in place to ensure that customers do not get affected by vested views in news, broadcasting and advertorial content. “That is something the ministry is considering in terms of putting it in those words that now reflect on broadcasting and advertorials, having a similar line on ethics or code of conduct in a free society that is incumbent upon the agencies to abide to,” she said at the News18 Rising India Summit.
Irani said just as there was a Press Council of India for newspapers — which was distinct from the government but still self regulatory enough to awaken its own conscience — and a broadcasters association for TV, she was hopeful a similar body would emerge for social media, at least for news and entertainment content.
On the steps being taken by her ministry to strengthen the outreach and communication of government’s programmes, she said the recent consolidation of three media units under the Bureau of Outreach Communication was the need of the hour.
On whether she would contest the 2019 general election from Amethi against Congress president Rahul Gandhi, Irani said: “… It began as a political battle, but turned into a personal journey.”
CBFC chairperson Prasoon Joshi, who also spoke at the event, regretted that misinformation about cuts in the film Padmaavat were reported in the media but not enough was said about the changes.