When America goes to war against itself
Donald Trump is attacking the US State’s ideology and institutions. The destruction is clear; the regeneration is to be seen
Since World War II, the United States (US) has only won one major war; the First Gulf War of 1990-1991. It didn’t win in Korea. It was utterly humiliated in Vietnam. Its invasion of Iraq was based on a lie and hurt US security. And it lost so badly in Afghanistan that the force it vanquished emerged victorious and took over Kabul on the very day US troops left.

While the wars extracted a heavy cost, none of these external setbacks dented America’s comprehensive national power. It remained the world’s most powerful country. Clearly, if you have internal political, economic, military, technological and social resilience, even defeats don’t devastate you.
But what happens when you wage a war against yourself, and when that war is not fought in distant fields but in the homeland? For that is the only way to make sense of what the US has been doing to itself in the past fortnight.
Americans elected Donald Trump, who was transparent about his intentions. His diagnosis was that America is sick and old. His prescription was a radical surgery. His action plan was to take the body parts out, without quite revealing what would replace them. Americans knew there was the risk of self-harm in such an operation, at the hands of a man not quite known for his fine touch, but they overwhelmingly chose him. And true to the mandate, in merely two weeks, Trump has decided to take a torch to America’s governing ideology, its State apparatus, its personnel and its political character.
Trump’s first war is against the ideology of inclusion that has governed the US internally since the civil rights movement. The identity of a State is often defined by the social group that constructed the State. But the character of a State is defined by how much room the dominant group yields to other groups in the power structure and how flexible and inclusive is the idea of nationhood. This is done not out of charity but self-interest. Inclusion is insurance against political shocks. It also strengthens national unity. The US State was White-dominant, of course, but affirmative action, civil rights legislation, voting reforms, immigration-friendly policies, and a conscious attempt to correct historical wrongs through diversity initiatives made it the most open multi-racial country in the world. But the insecurity of the majority and the excess of advocates of inclusion in seeing individuals only through the identity lens sparked a backlash, one that grew after the Black Lives Matter movement and eventually propelled Trump.
Trump’s executive orders against diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), his attack on South Africa for what he thought was its treatment of White farmers (a startling new diplomatic feature where the US has appointed itself the defender of White people), and his base’s visceral hatred of immigration (it isn’t a surprise that the same person, Stephen Miller, is both the architect of the anti-diversity and anti-immigrant campaign) are all a part of this war against inclusion, a war to Make America White Again.
Trump’s second war is against the ideology of a broadly rules-based international order that defined the US’s external role since World War II. The US gave the world — through multilateral institutions, the human rights declaration, development assistance, and financial aid — a normative framework. To be sure, the hypocrisies were glaring, from America’s wars to interventions in Latin America to covert operations to complicity in mass killings. But for the rest of the world, it was useful to have a normative framework to hold the US to those standards, shame it, and understand the choices available when other powers advertised their totalitarian visions. For the US, this framework built legitimacy and soft power, offset the anger against its hegemony and generated goodwill and influence. But the American electorate was tired of the costs of external entanglements, which tied neatly with Trump’s belief that the world had taken America for a ride and the US was losing its sovereignty.
Trump’s actions and threats against foreign aid (both the dismantling of the USAID and suspension of foreign assistance), foreign trade (including the use of tariffs), foreign institutions and covenants (the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Paris Agreement, Human Rights Council), foreign lands (Greenland and Panama), and foreign allies (Canada and Mexico and Europe) all stem from this war against what he calls “globalism”. There is, as the political scientist Devesh Kapur said, only one framework left: Might is right.
Trump’s third war is against the institutions that keep these ideologies alive. Trump regrets his failure to control all levers of power in Washington DC in his first term. The fact that the American Constitution designed the system precisely to have these checks and balances is an inconvenient detail.
Trump’s now-reversed suspension of federal funding in violation of Congressional authority, and his open threats to legislators to toe the executive’s line and confirm his nominees, is a part of the White House’s war to control Capitol Hill. The free run to Elon Musk to access government institutions and eliminate programmes; the letter to the entire federal workforce to quit immediately with temporary benefits or live with the fear of being sacked; Trump’s hollowing out of the regulatory State; his takeover of the previously autonomous justice department; and his systematic attack on the legacy media are all a part of this war against America’s autonomous institutions, a war for total control.
Wars are sometimes good for the economy. Wars can sometimes stir social solidarity. Wars can sometimes realign politics for the better. Wars can sometimes even be regenerative. But wars are always, without exception, destructive. As the US wages a war against itself, Trump will leave a trail of destruction at home and abroad. Whether it also regenerates America, and whether it was worth the costs, is to be seen.
The views expressed are personal