Amritsar-born and Mumbai-based Children’s book author Natasha Sharma, 37, was in the Holy City recently to conduct a three-day storytelling session for children. Known for her award-winning book ‘Bonkers’, Natasha was honoured with the Crystal Kite Award by USA-based organization, Society for children book writers and illustrators (SCBWI).
Amritsar-born and Mumbai-based Children’s book author Natasha Sharma, 37, was in the Holy City recently to conduct a three-day storytelling session for children. Known for her award-winning book ‘Bonkers’, Natasha was honoured with the Crystal Kite Award by USA-based organization, Society for children book writers and illustrators (SCBWI). Having been in the genre for children’s literature for the past seven years Natasha has written Akbar and the Tricky Traitor and Ashoka and the Muddled Messages, both history mysteries. Her other books include Anaya’s Thumb and Rooster Raga.
Natasha in the city talked about her recently released book, A squiggle takes a walk, saying “It is my tenth book in which I have penned a fiction story with an effort of making punctuation fun for children.”
Here are some tips the aithor sares to encourage the love of reading in children:
The need is that parents should find time from their busy schedules and walk up to the book racks to find an interesting and imaginative story book for their young ones. The initiative has to come from the parents. Let people mock at you but to make your kids voracious readers parents should definitely have regular story telling sessions for their newly born child. Children must sit with their grandparents to listen to stories of their era which will ignite curiosity in them to know the history.
Children who grow up reading books are comparatively calmer and patient than the ones who don’t.
When children read books they usually try to fit themselves in various characters and their situations which eventually makes them learn how to handle real life situations.