The first non-AC Vande Bharat train is set to be launched in October, offering cheaper travel without compromising on speed or comfort. The train will have improved interiors and passenger amenities, as well as improved couplers for jerk-free travel. Two non-AC trains are planned to be rolled out this year. The manufacturer, ICF Chennai, is also planning to manufacture 3,241 coaches in various variants, including new types of Vande Bharat trains, Vande Metro for short-distance commutes, and a sleeper version of Vande Bharat.
Mumbai: With an eye to make travel cheaper for a larger crowd, however, not compromising on speed, interior technology and comfort, the first non-air-conditioned (AC) Vande Bharat train is expected to be launched in October, senior railway officials said on Thursday.
The exterior of the non-AC trains might not be similar to the current Vande Bharat trains with sharp aerodynamic features, the officials said, adding, “The speed of this train is likely to be restricted at 130 kmph compared to the AC Vande Bharat trains, which run at 160 kmph. It might not be advisable to run trains with open windows at higher speeds.”
The first non-AC Vande Bharat train would have 21 coaches and two locomotives of matching colour, the officials said. They added, “This train will have LHB coaches. A specially designed locomotive will be connected to the train at each end for push-pull operation to enable it to travel faster. The main upgrade would be that this train will have improved interiors, best-in-class passenger amenities, and improved couplers to join two coaches for jerk-free travel as provided in Vande Bharat trains.”
The officials added that the couplers that join two coaches would be different from the regular LHB trains like Rajdhani and Shatabdi. “These coaches will also have a fire alarm system, emergency alarms, toilets as designed inside Vande Bharat, and improved seats. Two such trains are planned to be rolled out by this year,” the officials said.
The non-AC Vande Bharat trains are manufactured by the Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai. In 2023, the ICF Chennai is planning to manufacture 3,241 coaches in about 30 different variants, including new types of Vande Bharat trains. They will also manufacture Vande Metro that will cater to intercity short-distance commutes and will have double leaf doors for easy boarding and deboarding of passengers. A sleeper version of Vande Bharat is also being developed with improved interiors.
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