Rhino charges at safari vehicle, keeps running behind car
The video of a rhino charging and running behind a tourist vehicle was posted on Instagram.
The videos that show wild animals charging at tourist vehicles are always scary to watch. One such video was posted on Instagram that shows a rhino running behind a safari car for quite a few minutes. Originally posted by Instagram user Anastasia Chapman, the video intrigued people after being re-shared on the official Insta page of Latest Sightings.

“Had the craziest experience with a temperamental rhino yesterday. He charged at us full speed for over a kilometre, barreling at us for 3-4 mins straight. Our guide was driving as fast as he could through the extremely muddy and unstable roads to get us out safely. This behaviour definitely isn’t normal and our guide said it was one of his top 5 most dangerous animal encounters to date. Absolute insane day in nature and a reminder that we are only guests in these animals' homes and territories,” Chapman wrote while sharing the video last month.
Also Read: Safari vehicle topples as rhinos charge towards it, tourists luckily escape
Take a look at the video:
The video was shared some 16 hours ago. Since being posted, the clip has accumulated more than 2.8 lakh views and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has received close to 24,000 likes. People posted various comments while reacting to the video.
Here’s how Instagram users reacted:
“Rhino was ALL IN,” posted an Instagram user. “More stamina than me,” joked another. “OMG what energy and stamina,” commented a third. “Wow. That’s a long chase,” wrote a fourth.
Also Read: Elephant charges at bus, gets dangerously close. Watch