West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee filed her nomination papers for the September 30 by-poll. The TMC supremo will contest the by-election from her home assembly, Bhabanipur. Banerjee, who lost the election in Nandigram, has to win this by-poll to retain the CM's post. Banerjee is a resident of Bhabanipur & had won the seat twice in 2011 and 2016. The Bengal CM will be pitted against BJP's Priyanka Tibrewal & Left Front's Srijib Biswas. The result of the by-election will be declared on October 3, 2021. Mamata Banerjee had contested from Nandigram in the April-May assembly poll this year and back then she was pitted against BJP leader & her former protege Suvendu Adhikari. After her defeat from Nandigram, TMC MLA Sovandeb Chattopadhyay vacated the Bhabanipur seat. The state cabinet minister vacated the seat to facilitate Banerjee's return to the assembly. Chattopadhyay had won from the Bhabanipur seat by a margin of more than 28,000 votes.
News/Videos/News/ BJP pits Bengal post-poll violence petitioner against Mamata in Bengal by-polls