Subedar Bhushan Kumar (retd), who even tried to cremate the bodies at Rataur village in Naraingarh, caught by SIT, while his father and niece battle for life at Government Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh.
An ex-serviceman, subedar Bhushan Kumar, allegedly slit the throats of his parents, brother, sister-in-law and their children following a dispute over two acres at Rataur village in Naraingarh sub division of Ambala district late on Sunday night, police said on Monday.
The deceased were identified as his mother, Saropi Devi, 65, younger brother Harish Kumar, 35, his wife Sonia, 32, their daughter Yashika, 5, and six-month-old son Mayank. His father, Om Prakash, and Harish’s eldest daughter were found critically injured and rushed to the civil hospital at Naraingarh around 3am from where they were referred to Government Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh.
The police recorded the statement of Om Prakash at the civil hospital before he was sent to GMCH, Chandigarh.
They said the ex-serviceman first attacked his brother with a sharp-edged weapon in a fit of rage before turning to the other family members. He even attempted to cremate the bodies to destroy evidence but fled when the police reached the spot and recovered the half-burnt bodies.
Superintendent of police Surender Singh Bhoria was at the crime spot at midnight and ordered a special investigation team (SIT) to arrest Bhushan Kumar, who was abconding. He was later caught and was being interrogated.
The police said the brothers lived together along with their families but there was a longstanding dispute between them over the land that was a joint holding at Rataur village.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh/ Haryana: Ex-serviceman kills five members of his family over land dispute in Ambala