As per the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the maximum rain this month in Chandigarh was recorded on February 4 at 22 mm; the second half of February mostly remained without rain. The average rainfall recorded in February was 42.1 mm, which is below average.
With 32.7 mm rain, the city saw its wettest February since 2019, Met officials have revealed.
As per the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the maximum rain this month was recorded on February 4 at 22 mm. IMD Chandigarh director Manmohan Singh said, “Rain during this time depends on Western Disturbances. In the initial days of the month, there was a strong Western Disturbance which is why there was more rain at the time.”
The second half of February mostly remained without rain. The average rainfall recorded in February was 42.1 mm, which is below average.
Another Western Disturbance is likely to affect the region from Wednesday, which may bring light rainfall on Thursday.
The maximum temperature of the city went up from 23°C on Sunday to 24.1°C on Monday. Minimum temperature went down from 9.8°C on Sunday to 9.1°C on Monday. In the next three days, maximum temperature will remain between 24°C and 26°C while minimum temperature will remain between 10°C and 13°C.