Is PMS stopping you from having fun and doing your chores? Here are a few effective remedies to ease symptoms
Published on May 31, 2021 01:39 PM IST
A lot of women in the world have to deal with the pain and discomfort of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). A few of the common symptoms include cramps, fatigue, mood swings, irritability, bloating, breast heaviness, etc. This occurs because of an imbalance in hormones - oestrogen and progesterone.
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Published on May 31, 2021 01:39 PM IST
If you do not want to take medicines and want to ease the symptoms naturally then here are a few effective remedies.(File image)
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Published on May 31, 2021 01:39 PM IST
Hot bath: A hot bath before going to bed can soothe cramps as well and calm the mind.(Unsplash)
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Published on May 31, 2021 01:39 PM IST
Reduce stress: Keep your mind occupied by meditating or practising yoga. This will keep you busy and relax your mind.(Unsplash)
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Published on May 31, 2021 01:39 PM IST
Have food rich in magnesium: Experts suggest having food with high magnesium content like hemp seeds and raw cacao powder eases period cramps.(Unsplash)
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Published on May 31, 2021 01:39 PM IST
Increase calcium intake: Add foods rich in calcium like skim or low-fat milk, fortified orange juice, yoghurt, etc., to your diet.(Unsplash)
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Published on May 31, 2021 01:39 PM IST
Workout: You might just feel like staying in bed and doing nothing during those days but it is recommended you get up and work out. This helps release endorphins and reduces stress.(Unsplash)
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Published on May 31, 2021 01:39 PM IST