Photos: Crazy professions around the world you won't believe exist
The most fancied professions in the world are doctor, engineer, lawyer, architect, etc but did you know that there are
The most fancied professions in the world are doctor, engineer, lawyer, architect, etc but did you know that there are other bizarre career options that might pay you more than these famous jobs.
Updated on Sep 25, 2021 03:55 PM IST 8 Photos
If you feel out of place at the workplace you are currently working in then you can resign and pick any of these weird professions that sounds bizarre but might be your thing.(Unsplash)
Professional sleeper: If your bed is the love of your life then this has to be your dream job. Researchers hire professional sleepers who support their investigations. Pillow and mattress companies also employ people to sleep and review their products.(Unsplash)
Train Pusher: In Japan, 'Oshiyas' are hired to push passengers onto a crowded train till the doors of the train close.(Unsplash)
Full-time Netflix viewer: The OTT platform Netflix, hires employees to watch all their content and give relevant tags for the viewers to find what they are looking for.(Unsplash)