A tragic incident occurred on Wednesday in Chembur, where a 1.5-year-old girl lost her life and her mother sustained injuries after part of a house collapsed on them. The incident took place in Saraswati Gully, in a chawl near Ekata Mitra Mandal on PL Lokhande Marg in Chembur (West)
A Mumbai POCSO court sentenced a 48-year-old man to ten years in prison for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl in 2016, citing severe emotional impact on the victim.
The case dates back to 2003, when the developer had approached residents of building numbers 21 and 22 in Sneh Sadan Co-operative Housing Society, in Subhash Nagar, Chembur, to hand over the 48-year-old buildings for redevelopment
Senior inspector Bagul of Tilak Nagar police station in Chembur was caught by ACB accepting ₹35,000 bribe from a financial fraud victim. Bagul demanded ₹1 lakh initially.