Maximum temperature again rose sharply on Friday, going up from 44.9°C on Thursday to 45.8°C on Friday, 6.6 degrees above normal; at the Chandigarh airport, mercury touched 46.7°C again on Friday after it had reached the same temperature on Wednesday, which is Chandigarh’s highest ever temperature recorded since the IMD started maintaining records for the region from 1954
With no rain recorded in the city this May, it was the first time that this month went dry since 1994, as per India Meteorological Department (IMD).
As per IMD officials, 22.8 mm rain is normal for the month of May but no rain was recorded this month. Last time this happened was in 1994. (Keshav Singh/ HT)
Rain, however, is expected in the coming week.
As per IMD officials, 22.8 mm rain is normal for the month of May, but no rain was recorded this month. Last time this happened was in 1994.
As per data going back till 1971, no rain was also recorded in the month of May in 1984 and 1978 before this. In stark contrast, 106.5 mm rain was recorded in May last year, making it the wettest since May 1971 when 130.7 mm rain was recorded.
Speaking about this, IMD Chandigarh director AK Singh said, “Rain during this season is caused mostly by western disturbances (WD) or other local systems. While there were WDs that came to the country this month, they passed northwards of the region without much effect here.”
He added that the absence of any WDs in the second half of the month also caused temperature to ride so high. However, relief is expected over the weekend as on Saturday there are chances of light showers and thunder in the region, although this seems unlikely in the city.
While clear skies are also expected on Sunday, there are chances of light rain next week from Monday onwards. A fall of three to four degrees in the maximum temperature is also expected next week.
The maximum temperature again rose sharply on Friday, going up from 44.9°C on Thursday to 45.8°C on Friday, 6.6 degrees above normal. At the Chandigarh airport, mercury touched 46.7°C again after it had reached the same temperature on Wednesday, which is the highest ever temperature recorded since the IMD started maintaining records for the city from 1954. It was also 7.5 degrees above normal.
Severe heatwave conditions were recorded at both of these stations.
This is the first time that a severe heatwave was declared in both parts of the city as previously similar conditions were recorded only at the airport on Wednesday.
The average maximum temperature of May, at 40.2°C, is also the highest in over the last 13 years for which records were readily available with the IMD. This was an expected outcome with multiple days of heatwave conditions and temperature records broken this month.
The minimum temperature fell from 30.1°C on Thursday to 27.5°C on Friday. In the next three days, the maximum temperature will remain between 43°C and 44°C while the minimum temperature will remain between 28°C and 30°C.