Spice of life: Slow down to enjoy the simple pleasures of life
Not so long ago, life moved at a slower pace. Walks and strolls were a leisurely pursuit. But just look around today! As a prescriptive compulsion, people are walking but unemotionally
“A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare,” the concluding lines of Leisure by WH Davies implies that we are too engrossed in worldly pursuits, our minds are choc-a-bloc with unnecessary worries and we have no time to appreciate glorious nature around us. In our material pursuits, we fail to comprehend that a life without leisure is in fact no life at all. We need to pause, take a break from our so-called hectic schedule and enjoy the wondrous nature.

Not so long ago, life moved at a slower pace. Morning/evening walks and post-dinner strolls were a pleasure, giving leisurely pursuit. But just look around today! As a prescriptive compulsion, people are walking but unemotionally. The affluent or rather the modern are hitting the gym as a fashion fad. Instead of sweating it out, they prefer the treadmill in air-conditioned environs. Ear plugs is a compulsory accessory which vicariously cuts them off. As one traversed the lane up and down digesting the food, it was customary to greet neighbours, catch up with the latest and indulge in light-hearted conversation. Alas! Gone are the days and the strolls.
Remember the frequent childhood visits to the nearest grocery shop for a loaf of bread or a packet of salt? En route we would loiter around the neighbourhood and catch up with acquaintances. Many a times we would go to the market, just for the heck of it, without any purpose, ‘geri marne’. Seems an anecdote from another era. If you ask today’s youngsters to visit a local shop, they will stare back, unable to comprehend. Why venture out when goods can be delivered home? Confined to their gizmos, they loathe stepping out.
Well, one cannot complain. Times have changed. We have so many deadlines to meet: At the work place, at home and our mind is in constant turmoil, planning, prioritising and achieving desired results.
The plea made by the poet resonates particularly with World Sauntering Day passing by on June 19. It served as a reminder to slow down, enjoy and not rush through life. We are striving for a better tomorrow and trailing a mirage. In a life of ceaseless activity, we fail to enjoy today. Life in its myriad forms, shapes and colours unfolds every day before us. But our weary eyes see it not. Let us pause, take a deep breath, and learn to enjoy life. Life is precious. We should be grateful for it, thank heavens for all gifts and enjoy the little things that truly matter.
We are inhabitants of a jet set world. If we fail to match the competitive pace, we tend to lose our peace of mind.
The word ‘saunter’, from the French ‘Saint Terre’, connotes a walk at a slow and relaxed pace and denotes a walk of mental peace, as if one has all the time in the world. Savour life as you saunter. kalrasuruchi@yahoo.com
The writer is an associate professor and head of the department of English, Hindu Girls College, Jagadhri.