On Thursday, regional director Bhujang Khandare visited Pune and instructed officials to submit proposals for technical improvements to the city’s electricity system and plans for alternative power supplies in areas experiencing frequent power outages
Though the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) has prioritised streamlining power supply to Pune city, the company is facing hurdles in installing new transformers in the heart of the city.
On Thursday, regional director Bhujang Khandare visited Pune and instructed officials to submit proposals for technical improvements to the city’s electricity system and plans for alternative power supplies in areas experiencing frequent power outages.
Khandare emphasised that any increase in power interruptions will not be tolerated. He made these remarks during a review meeting. During the meeting, concerns regarding uninterrupted power supply, laying new electrical cables and electricity bill collection in the Pune circle were addressed.
During the meeting, Rajendra Pawar, chief engineer of the Pune Circle highlighted the difficulties posed by rapid urbanisation in the Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad areas.
He said, “We are struggling with a lack of space for new power plants due to rapid urbanisation. Installing a transformer that can supply power to over 500 consumers require at least 25 meters of space. However, many redeveloped and new societies are not providing the necessary space for these installations.”
Pawar further added, “The existing transformers are insufficient to meet the rising power demands, particularly after societies are redeveloped or new buildings are constructed.
GIS transformers
To address the space constraints, Pawar said, “Societies with limited space are being advised to install compact gas-insulated transformers (GIS). These compact transformers take up minimal space and can be installed in parking areas, offering a safe solution. However, they are five times more expensive than conventional transformers.”
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News/Cities/Pune/ MSEDCL faces challenges in upgrading transformers