Do you know your spiritual age? Here's how you can gauge it
You of course know how old you are, physiologically. But have you ever asked yourself how old you 'feel', on the inside?
Spirituality is subjective. You may be someone who actively partakes in the rituals and is a thorough believer — conversely, you may think this is all claptrap and want to keep the self-help directories at bay. Irrespective of if the word 'spiritual' exhilarates you or triggers you, this is a wholesome little thing you'd definitely want to acquaint yourself with. So, what does spiritual age actually mean?
Even for people who aren't into the whole 9-yards of consistent self-improvement, there is some sliver of awareness you hold about who you are on the inside. This is a lot like trying to answer the question, 'are you a happy person with sad moments or a sad person with happy moments?'. Irrespective of what the current phase of your life — or even today for that matter! — makes it seem like, you know what the right answer is for you, when it comes to perceiving the big picture. In the same way, even if you haven't thought about this intensely, you will be able to pinpoint the ages where, for the better or for the worse, you started blossoming into your true self, your core self. Now treading into actually spiritual territory, you may also be able to intuitively gauge, ages which are yet to come, but which you deeply feel, may prove to be defining in your life.
Now shut your eyes and give this a thought. Did a number pop up in your head? The next thing to do, is to think back to the age in question, and try and understand what and why this may be deeply relevant to you. Interestingly, you don't just have to have one spiritual age, you can have multiple — and that too, far apart from each other! There aren't really any rules to this except for being completely authentic with yourself when you decide to sit down and introspect. Your spiritual age can also grow as you do, physically and emotionally, or it may stay static for years or forever.
So, happy calculating!