Late on Wednesday, the Congress said the accounts of Randeep Surjewala, Ajay Maken, Sushmita Dev and Manickam Tagore were “temporarily locked”. There was no immediate confirmation from Twitter on the development.
The Congress on Wednesday said Twitter accounts of four of its leaders were temporarily locked, a development that came on a day the social media company confirmed in the Delhi high court that it locked the account of Rahul Gandhi for breaching its policy.
Late on Wednesday, the Congress said the accounts of Randeep Surjewala, Ajay Maken, Sushmita Dev and Manickam Tagore were “temporarily locked”. There was no immediate confirmation from Twitter on the development.
While Surjewala is the chief spokesperson of the Congress, Maken is the party’s general secretary incharge of Rajasthan. Dev handles the Mahila Congress and Tagore is a Lok Sabha MP of the party.
Earlier in the day, the firm informed the Delhi high court that it “locked” Gandhi’s account because of his August 4 tweet which posted photographs of family members of a minor who was allegedly raped and murdered in the national capital.