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Tips on parental involvement in preparing kids for school

ByZarafshan Shiraz, New Delhi
Oct 05, 2023 05:59 PM IST

Parental participation in helping children get ready for school is not only required but also the base for kids' all-round development. Here are tips by experts

Whether it be working parents or homemakers, it is easy to get swamped with responsibilities and get lost in the workload however, taking sufficient time from your schedule to spend with your child, especially in the early years, is essential since one aspect where children need parental support is finding their way through school and getting comfortable in a new environment. All parents want the best for their children and they can help their kids reach their highest potential so since schooling is a critical phase for a child's overall growth and development, parent's involvement can make a huge difference in the child’s learning journey.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Anita Madan, Head Curriculum Development at EuroKids, simplified what is parental involvement and shared, “Being involved in your child’s schooling journey goes beyond the regular pick-up and drops to school. Parents should actively participate in children’s learning process to make it more effective. This involvement encompasses a range of actions, such as creating a supportive home environment for learning, engaging in educational activities, volunteering for school activities and attending parent-teacher meetings.”

Talking about why should parents be involved, she revealed, “Regarding schooling and education, parental involvement lays a strong foundation by fostering a positive attitude towards learning and promoting essential cognitive and socio-emotional skills. Parents' interest in their child's education enhances their motivation, self-esteem, and overall confidence. This involvement has also been linked to higher academic achievements, improved attendance rates, lower dropout rates, and better behavior in the classroom.”

She suggested the following tips on how parents can be involved -

  1. Read with them: Regularly read age-appropriate books with your child to develop language skills, expand vocabulary and instill a love for reading.
  2. Educational Activities: Engage in educational games, puzzles and interactive activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving. Provide guidance and support for home assignments.
  3. Open Communication with Teachers: Attend parent-teacher meetings, discuss your child's progress and address concerns.
  4. Encourage Curiosity: Foster your child's curiosity by encouraging questions and exploration inside and outside the classroom.
  5. Be a Role Model: Demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning and enthusiasm for acquiring new knowledge.

Highlighting the power of parental involvement, Educationist Sonia Agarwal Bajaj said, “Parents are the first and the most influential teachers in a child’s life. Understandably, parental involvement is a key ingredient to effectively preparing children for school and even preschool.” She elaborated upon what aspects of learning are impacted, how can parents help prepare their little ones and when should they start preparing their children through a quick guide below, for parents to help them smooth their child’s transition to school -

(1) Emotional Independence: Many children who have never practiced separation from their parents experience severe separation anxiety, making it difficult for them to adapt to their new environment. Parents can prepare their children emotionally and make them feel more emotionally secure by practicing separation, modelling emotional regulation, and facilitating socializing with other children at the park and through play dates.

(2) Independence and Discipline: Children who practice and follow a daily routine can settle better at school. Parents can help children establish a meal time, naptime, Storytime, and playtime routine from as early as 6 months. Parents can also help children learn to eat independently, put waste in the dustbins, require minimal assistance for toilets, and follow simple instructions.

(3) Communication: Reading and communicating with the child helps them boost their language skills. These become important for children to communicate their needs and ideas in school, both with the faculty and their peers.

(4) Early Learning: Parents must engage in age-appropriate activities and interactions to help foster curiosity, interest in learning, and some early exposure to key academic areas. This helps the child feel confident and happy at school.

Dr Devesh Kumar Singh, Chairman of Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences and Noida International University, asserted, “Parental participation in helping children get ready for school is not only required but also the basis for all-round development. In order to support their children's educational journey, parents play a crucial role, just like a professional surgeon who methodically prepares for crucial treatment. Their active participation cultivates a climate of curiosity, focus and mental health, laying the groundwork for future success. Strong parental participation in a child's educational journey serves as a powerful safeguard against academic difficulties. The cornerstone of a child's academic vitality is the fostering of their cognitive, social and emotional growth through parental participation, much as we recommend a balanced lifestyle for physical well-being.”

Antara Roy, Principal at Poddar Learn School in Greater Noida, said, “We join the school crying and we leave the school crying. The part lived in between is the best part of one’s life. To make it the best for all three entities—child, parent and teacher—we need to work hand in hand. It’s a collaborative effort to make the journey smooth and fruitful for all. A toddler is always protected and surrounded by family and their love hence, moving out of this sphere to enter school is a herculean task for a kid. Initial settling issues, separation anxiety and frequent sickness are a few of the challenges that we all face.”

She advised, "The role of the parent and extended family members like grandparents and cousins at this stage is crucial. Listening to the child, carrying out different activities together and showing interest in even the smallest things are very important. As the famous proverb by Jasee Jackson goes, "Your children need your presence more than your presents." The parents should get involved with other kids at the school; they should attend all events and PTMs. They must talk to teachers with warmth and respect in front of the child, which helps the child develop trust. A healthy discussion with the teacher will guide you in various ways to keep a child interested and engaged, thus strategically altering the steps. As we all know, children are like clay; we can mould them as we want. Right guidance at the right time and in the right direction can do wonders."

Parents need to work towards these goals to ensure the child’s holistic development and not just help them prepare for school. Despite being a big-time commitment for parents, many parents enroll in a parent toddler and playgroup programs to help achieve the above goals and in the process prepare their children for the school years ahead of them.

"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents." - Jane D Hull.

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