Leading a sedentary lifestyle? 10 ways to stay physically active, as per ICMR guidelines

From using a standing desk to walking for 5-10 minutes every few hours, here's how to increase your physical activity

Published on May 18, 2024 12:27 PM IST 11 Photos

To maintain your muscle mass and avoid accumulating fat and gaining weight, it's important to stay active during the day. If you have a sedentary job that doesn't allow much movement, here's what you can do. (Freepik)


If you spend sitting for 9-10 hours daily, you must consider using a standing desk for work, or you may get up every half hour. (Unsplash)


Even short-duration physical activities can be quite effective in staying fit. Walk for 5-10 minutes every few hours to improve your step count. (Shutterstock)


Do not take phone calls while sitting, instead get up and start walking as you talk. You can do this both at workplace and home. (Freepik)


Use stairs instead of lift/elevator. This will make sure you remain physically active and your muscles get a workout too. (Freepik)