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Random acts of kindness you can do to make the world a nicer place

National Random Acts of Kindness Day occurs yearly on February 17. This day serves as a meaningful reminder to embrace and advocate for kindness in its various forms, whether through everyday gestures or more substantial actions. It encourages individuals to positively impact their communities and beyond, cultivating a world that is more compassionate and empathetic for everyone. Here are ten random acts of kindness you can perform to help create a more pleasant world. 
Published on Feb 16, 2024 02:15 PM IST

Impact of kindness for self and others on the brain

Kindness is a virtue. While it is important that we should be kind and gentle to others, we should be the same to ourselves as well. Being kind, compassionate, gentle and empathetic to others and also to ourselves helps in having newer and positive perspectives about life. "Science consistently shows that acts of kindness have a positive effect on our mood and overall well-being. By stimulating different neurobiological systems, being kind to others is unique as it activates parts of the brain’s reward system, making us feel as if we’re in the receiving end," wrote Therapist Helen Marie. Here are a few reasons why we should be kind to others, as well as to ourselves.
Published on Sep 11, 2023 04:38 PM IST
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