Chandigarh Police were alerted by a passer-by who discovered the body; upon arrival, police took the unidentified body into custody
A 33-year-old man was found dead at a forested marsh near the railway tracks in Industrial Area on Thursday morning.
Police were alerted by a passer-by who discovered the body. Upon arrival, police took the unidentified body into custody. Lying on the stomach, the deceased’s head was under water in a swamp. A partially filled syringe was found inserted in his elbow, leading police to suspect a drug overdose.
Subsequent investigation revealed that the deceased hailed from Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh, and was residing in Manimajra with his wife and children.
His family members confirmed that the deceased was jobless and addicted to drugs. Last month, he was also admitted to a drug rehabilitation centre in Nalagarh.
The deceased’s daughter, who is visually impaired, studies at an institute in Sector 26. On Wednesday, he had dropped her off at the institute, before disappearing.
A postmortem examination is scheduled on Friday morning to determine the exact cause of death.