Renowned artist Vijay Sharma is leading a miniature painting camp at Bhatkhande Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, focusing on Raagmala paintings in the Kanga Shaili style.
: A miniature painting camp has begun at Bhatkhande Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya (BSV). Artist Vijay Sharma, a Padma Shri recipient, from Chamba is instructing the workshop with a cohort of seven of his students.
Sharma is an Indian painter and art historian who was conferred with the award in 2012. An expert in the Pahari school of miniature painting, he said he would be teaching BSV students about the Raagmala miniature paintings on the Kanga Shaili style.
The workshop, which will culminate on April 22, is being held as part of BSV students’ yearly curriculum, in which they have to partake in workshops and such elective courses to earn their credits, explained Utkarsh Chandra, an admin official at Bhatkhande.
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News/Cities/Lucknow/ Bhatkhande students get a taste of ‘Pahadi’ art