‘Jalabhishek’ at Taj Mahal: Union of India to be made party to suit
An Agra court has ordered the Union of India to join a suit seeking permission for Hindu rituals at the Taj Mahal, set for a hearing on September 24.
A court in Agra on Monday ordered to implead the Union of India through the secretary, ministry of culture, as a party to an ongoing suit wherein a petitioner has sought permission to perform “jalabhishek” (offering of water) during the Hindu holy month of Sawan at Taj Mahal, which they claim is a Shiva temple named Tejomahalaya.

The counsel for the petitioner will now move an application in this connection.
The court of the Judge for Small Causes Cases (JSCC) in Agra is hearing the petition filed by Ajay Tomar, a right-wing activist, to seek permission for performing “jalabhishek” and “dughdhabhishek” (offering of milk) at the Taj Mahal in Sawan.
The court fixed September 24 as the next date of hearing.
The petitioner had initially made the superintending archaeologist of the Archaeological Survey of India, Agra circle, a party to the case. The counsel for ASI official appeared in the case on the last date and objected on the ground that the ASI official was not a proper party. The counsel prayed before the court to dismiss the case as non-maintainable on this ground.
The court reserved the order and, on Monday, directed the petitioner to make the Union of India as a party to the case and fixed September 24 as the next date.
Many activists have previously demanded permission for performing “jalabhishek” and “dughdhabhishek” at the site.
This Sawan, two people were arrested and a woman detained, but later allowed to go, as they intended to offer water as part of a ritual at the site. This led to officials imposing a restriction on carrying water bottles to the main platform around the mausoleum at Taj Mahal.