Fraudulent advertisements: Beware of job scams in the name of airport
Barely two weeks after instances of fake PGI appointment letters being circulated online came to light, a similar scam is operating in the region, this time in the name of the international airport and the Amritsar airport.
Barely two weeks after instances of fake PGI appointment letters being circulated online came to light, a similar scam is operating in the region, this time in the name of the international airport and the Amritsar airport.

Countless victims have lost at least Rs 1,500 each to fraudsters over the past few days.
Modus operandi
The modus operandi is clever and simple. Just a few days ago an advertisement appeared in a popular vernacular daily inviting applications from unfettered, graduate boys and girls for jobs at airports.
Two ads appear after a difference of just one AD and lists numbers. On contacting these numbers, one is told that the jobs involve no interviews.
After a very perfunctionary conversation that involves no requisition of CVs and just basic questions on one’s job capabilities, the caller (usually a woman) asks the applicant to deposit Rs 1,500 as application processing fee of in account number 0627006900013770 in the name of Pooja Rawat; her sign are also on the appointment letter. The account is of Punjab National Bank in Naraina Vihar, New Delhi.
A day or so after this is done, the applicant receives an appointment letter on the purported letter head of the Airports Authority of India, demanding Rs 15,000 as security agreement fee.
Meenu, an Ambala native, who fell into the trap and deposited Rs 1,500 just a few days ago, says, “I am harassed and duped. I did not know that we will be asked to deposit another Rs 15,000. I have asked the agency to return my money as I want my money back.” She was offered the job of a ticket checker.
No vacancy, will take legal action: Airport director
However; there is no vacancy in the airport as HT confirmed from Airport director Sunil Dutt.
“This is a fraud. The Airports Authority of India has no vacancy of any kind. We have nothing to do with any such supposed jobs. People are advised to be careful in responding to such advertisements,” said Sunil Dutt, chief executive officer, Chandigarh International Airport Limited, the body that manages the airport.
“We will take legal action. A similar fraud was reported around five months ago and we lodged a police complaint,” Dutt added.
1. Where and how is the advertisement given? Most government organisations have a specific format for giving ads and remember that they DO NOT use the Classifieds section
2. How detailed is the ad? Does it give proper address and reservation details. All government jobs have reservation for various categories.
3. Does the advertisement give a last date to apply?
4. Is at all, money is to be transferred, (this is only for exceptional cases), please make sure it is in the name of a bona-fide institution and not in the name of any individual
5. Lastly, it is desperation that drives people to be tricked; use common sense before undertaking any monetary transaction; consult your relatives and friends