The reserves in Periyar, Satpura, Bandipur, Nagarhole, Kanha, Biligiri Ranganatha Swamy Temple, Anamalai, Pench, Bhadra, Kali, Similipal and Mudumalai were rated the best not merely on the number of tigers they host but on planning and processes at the parks
More than 95% of New York state forests -- including the Binghamton University Nature Preserve -- are secondary forests, which sprung up on land once cleared for agriculture.
To determine when the plants emitted which chiral form, the researchers used isotopically labelled CO2 to track photosynthentic carbon and introduced "heavy" carbon dioxide (13CO2) to the air of the biosphere at certain times.
China has built more than 50,000 dams in the Yangtze basin in the past 70 years -- including the Three Gorges, which came in the face of widespread opposition from environmentalists.