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'Come upstairs to use the lift': Note for differently-abled leaves people fuming

Aug 22, 2024 02:42 PM IST

The note reads that a disabled person would have to climb upstairs and inform a staff member that they need to use the lift designed for them.

Making the infrastructure accessible to differently-abled individuals and for those with babies has long been a challenge. While some buildings and structures are access-friendly, many are not. Amid this, a note outside a building has left numerous people baffled. The note reads that a person would have to climb upstairs and inform a staff member that they need to use the lift designed for them.

Reddit user "emotional_platypuss" posted the image of the note. It read, "To use the disabled lift, please come upstairs to the buffet and notify a member of staff so that we can turn the power on. Thank you." (Also Read: Content creator does this after he sees video of man mocking a differently-abled singer)

Take a look at the post here:

This post was shared on August 22. Since being posted, it has gained more than 56,000 upvotes. Many people took to the comments section of the post to express their disappointment with the person who put up the note.

Here's how people reacted to it:

An individual said, "Either they're so cheap they don't want to 'waste power' on anyone who isn't disabled using the lift. Or the lift doesn't actually work at all. They just had to put one in because of disability ordinances, and this is their way of 'complying' without actually complying." (Also Read: 'Disabled infrastructure': Man shares video highlighting issues faced by the differently abled)

Another individual wrote, "I encountered one like this, but it didn't have a sign, so I entered the gate, closed it, and hit the button. Nothing. I tried to exit, but nope, now the gate was locked. Great, so now I trapped myself. No phone number, no phone, no call button, no one around. I tried yelling to see if someone was up top to help, but no good. I found their website and their phone number and called it, but no one answered. 15 minutes in sweltering heat later (it was outside, in a back parking lot, in the full sun during midsummer), and I finally got someone on the phone. Apparently, the lift wasn't working properly, and now I was trapped. It took them another 15 minutes to force it open. Now, I'm not in a wheelchair, but I do have issues standing for long times, and there was no seat."

"It's amazing that people can be smart enough to make this sign yet not smart enough to realize how damn stupid it is. Look, I know it isn't hard to make a sign. But going by the content of the sign, I'm impressed the makers even know how to put their pants on," joked someone else.

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