
Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for May 09-May 15

ByManisha Koushik
May 16, 2021 07:35 AM IST

Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for May 09-May 15. What do the cards have in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs for this week?


Read on to find out your Tarot reading for the coming week.(Unsplash)
Read on to find out your Tarot reading for the coming week.(Unsplash)

(March 21-April 20)

Love: The Tower

Mood: Magician

Career: Two of Coins

You may be busy organizing something important this week. Precision is your forte and you are likely to be rewarded for it as well. Attending a prestigious event or a celebration is likely for some. A surprise on the love front awaits you. Recreational fun with the family is possible in the later part of the week. Your professional competence is likely to make you everyone’s favourite. Financially, you are likely to go from strength to strength. Buying a new property is possible for some. Students are likely to score well. A friend is likely to introduce you to a profitable investment plan.

Lucky colour: 4

Lucky number: Dark Red


(April 21-May 20)

Love: Ten of Cups

Mood: The Star

Career: Two of Coins

Someone’s interference on the work front is likely to prove frustrating but you will be able to manage. Controlling a family member who is all out on a splurging mode may not be an easy task. Compromise will be a key for those on an incommunicado mode with the spouse. There is no point getting envious over someone’s popularity on the social front. Watch out for what you eat as everything may not go well with your digestive system. Your participation in a social event is likely to get you additional brownie points. Financially, the week appears to be average. Consider a property deal assuring all other parameters are well in sync.

Lucky number: 8

Lucky colour: Navy Blue


(May 21-June 21)

Love: Six of Cups

Mood: The Magician

Career: Knight of Coins

Do not feel reluctant to ask for help as and when required. Soft pedalling an important issue can only create more troubles at the workplace; so think of an alternate plan. You would need to review things before taking major decisions on the financial front. Youngsters may not be in a mood to accept everything that you suggest to them. Getting back into shape will be the need of the hour. Things improve for you on the love front as you start considering what a lover has to offer. Those entangled in a legal matter on the property front are likely to find some relief.

Lucky colour: 3

Lucky number: Lemon


(June 22-July 22)

Love: World

Mood: Judgement

Career: Temperance

Doctors, engineers and other professionals can expect a satisfying week, both professionally and monetarily. Weigh what you speak on the love front or you may get on the wrong side of the lover. Taking up a sport is likely to bring back your energy and strength. You may be tempted to make an expensive purchase that may eventually put a dent on your pocket. A planned vacation may need to be shelved. Someone who is usually not cooperative is likely to support you on the social front. Travelling by your own vehicle will be safer than using the public transport.

Lucky number: 22

Lucky colour: Turquoise


(July 23-August 23)

Love: The Emperor

Mood: The Fool

Career: King of Coins

An unwanted delay can upset the project submission on the work front but your hard work will still be recognized. Students are in for a pleasant surprise. You may need to be a bit assertive in having your way on the social front, as someone is out to sideline you. A lover is likely to spend more time with you. Money from various sources flows in assuring a comfortable situation on the financial front. A dream house is likely to be yours soon. Long-distance travel is not advisable this week. Those looking for a matrimonial alliance are likely to connect with a like-minded individual.

Lucky colour: 5

Lucky number: Bluish Green


(August 24-September 23)

Love: Temperance

Mood: The Hanged Man

Career: Knight of Wands

This week, you may find yourself in the company of your near and dear ones and make some exciting plans! Some of you may become irresistible to someone from the opposite camp. A quick thought process will help you manage a tricky situation on the financial front. Stronger networking connections will help you build resources for better business opportunities. Those working on tight deadlines may need to delegate tasks in order to meet the expectations. Mentors may be strict with the students to get their focus back. Some hiccups are foreseen on the travel front. A long vacant property may be put on rent now.

Lucky number: 7

Lucky colour: Baby Pink


(September 24-October 23)

Love: Strength

Mood: Two of Swords

Career: The Hermit

Scroll through the contacts on your phone and start reconnecting with people you have not spoken since long. You will get the opportunity to exercise your initiative at work and impress people who matter. Students are likely to fare well on the academic front. Some influential reference is likely to help you in getting out of a tight corner. There is a possibility to hold a virtual event or a conference. Lover is likely to meet your romantic aspirations, so rejoice! Those stuck in legal complications on the property front are likely to find things settling in their favour. A vehicle may need repair and consume your time.

Lucky number: 7

Lucky colour: Light Red


(October 24-November 22)

Love: Devil

Mood: Judgment

Career: The Fool

Are you planning a break? Make sure to tie up things at the backend first or the whole purpose of relaxation may be defeated. Those working in the government sector are in for a hectic time. Students are likely to become error-prone and the performance may be affected as a result. Disagreements with the spouse need to be attended on a priority or it may upset the domestic atmosphere. Love life needs resurrection as well. The travel front looks bright especially for those who would be travelling for work this week. Some of you are likely to hit a good deal in the real estate market.

Lucky number: 3

Lucky colour: Rust


(November 23-December 21)

Love: Strength

Mood: Six of Coins

Career: Eight of Cups

There is nothing to hurry about and you may take some more time to get into the groove. Hard work pays well as you get in the limelight on the professional front. Money invested in the past is likely to start giving good returns now. A good show on the social front is likely to connect you with the who’s who of the city. Some of you are likely to buy an item that you have been longing for. Keep travel plans open, as some change is visualised. Someone’s unannounced arrival on the home front is likely to disturb your personal plans. Avoid any property related transactions.

Lucky number: 4

Lucky colour: Maroon


(December 22-January 21)

Love: Three of Swords

Mood: The Empress

Career: Two of Coins

The professional front appears to be bright as you fetch appreciation for things you have done in the past. Socially, your popularity is likely to grow. You will be able to handle a tight situation on the finance front competently. Someone’s guidance on the academic front is likely to prove godsent. Keep up your morale as someone may look up to you for motivation. Be very upfront about what and how you feel on the love front. Cupid is likely to strike those looking for love. Someone’s health in the family may keep you on your toes. You are likely to hear from prospective buyers regarding a property you plan to sell.

Lucky number: 15

Lucky colour: Purple


(January 22-February 19)

Love: Hierophant

Mood: Ten of Cups

Career: Two of Wands

It is time to put more efforts on the health front if you want to reach where you want to. Pending work is likely to be completed now. A lover is likely to spring in a surprise; do not forget to dress your best. Clubbing leisure with business is likely to make this period worthwhile. Good organizational skills will see you complete a task in a record time. Financial worries become a thing of the past. A gift from someone who has come a long way to see you is likely to warm your heart. An issue troubling your peace of mind on the domestic front will be handled decently by a family elder.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky colour: Cream


(February 20-March 20)

Love: The Sun

Mood: Justice

Career: The Lovers

You are likely to win hearts with your polite and cooperating nature on the social front. Avoid manifesting your worst fears on the work front as a senior may not be in a good mood to listen. Some of you may be worried about a family youngster’s falling performance. Avoid rushing after quick rich schemes as you may end up losing money in hand. Stomach issues may trouble you on and off. Satisfaction is assured on the love front. Do not plan a long journey without proper weather analysis. Family may start looking for a match for the eligible. Cards give a go-ahead for those planning to book a luxury vehicle.

Lucky number: 1

Lucky colour: Light Yellow

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