Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Wednesday chaired the Sarkaar Tuhaade Dwaar programme, a public outreach event, at his official residence in the city to resolve people’s grievances.
Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Wednesday chaired the Sarkaar Tuhaade Dwaar programme, a public outreach event, at his official residence in the city to resolve people’s grievances.
CM Mann, who will unfurl the national flag during the state-level event to mark the Independence Day in Jalandhar on Thursday, said while interacting with people that now the government is not being run from Chandigarh but being managed from cities and towns across the state. “Now officers are visiting villages to resolve the grievances of people who had to visit the government offices earlier,” he said.
According to the chief minister, he had set up his residence in Jalandhar to facilitate people from Majha and Doaba region for getting their works done. “This scheme is delivering the desired results and is acting as a catalyst for resolving the issues of public on one hand and ensuring feedback to the government on other,” Mann said.
A woman, who had come from Ludhiana, praised the CM’s initiative, saying her issue had been pending for years. “Now, the CM has issued necessary directions to get my work done,” she added.