The deceased was identified as Mohan Lal, a resident of Sector 22, Chandigarh; when he did not return home at night, his family reported him missing to the police; using his mobile phone location, police traced him to the GMADA office
A former staff member of GMADA was found dead in the toilet of the development authority’s office in Phase 8 on Friday.
The deceased was identified as Mohan Lal, a resident of Sector 22, Chandigarh.
Lal, who was in his late 60s, had visited the GMADA office on Thursday regarding an issue related to his plot in Mullanpur.
When he did not return home at night, his family reported him missing to the police. Using his mobile phone location, police traced him to the GMADA office.
On Friday morning, a police team and his family visited the office and found his Honda Activa parked there. After investigating and searching the premises, they discovered his body in a toilet. The Phase 8 police took custody of the body and sent it to the Phase-6 civil hospital for autopsy to determine the cause of death. Police officials suspect he died due to a heart attack.